If you would be so kind as to fill out the survey, then I have a couple of gift options for you! (After all, it is "Christmas in July," right?) At the end of the survey you can choose to enter a drawing for either of these books:

You have between now and Thursday, July 28th, at 10:00 PM (PST) to fill out the survey and enter the drawing. A winner for each book will be chosen using the "List Randomizer" on the Random.org site. You can only enter one drawing, and you must include your name and e-mail address in order to be entered. Also, you must have a U.S. mailing address in order to enter! I'm sorry, but if you don't have a U.S. mailing address, please don't try to enter the drawings. However, please feel free to fill out the survey, as there's an option included on the survey to not enter the drawings. Thank you!
Special Note: You can gain extra entries through a fun game later on this week! More information on that to come. (And more "Christmas in July" posts in general to come, so be sure to come back tomorrow!)
*With thanks to Kelsey Keller and Barbour Publishers for providing a copy of Surrender the Dawn, and B&H Publishing (with PR by the Book) for providing a copy of 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son.*
Hi Amber! I completed the survey; thanks for entering me! : )
Thank you so much! :) I really appreciate your time - it's helpful to hear your responses!
To anyone:
I thought of another question I wanted to send out into the void...
Has anyone else noticed that people seem to comment less on Thursdays? Or is it just me...?
Merry Christmas in July, my friend!! I filled out your survey but please don't enter me in the drawing - I already have StH on it's way to me ;)
And, I never noticed that people comment less on Thursdays... maybe it is just you, lol! ;) I do find, not just on your blog but on almost all of them, that when you wonderful aspiring authors and even published authors write beautiful devotionals and the like they never get as many comments (or even half the comments) as giveaway posts do :( It's sad and I hope that even though people aren't commenting they're at least reading them. I honestly enjoy those more than giveaways, especially your devotionals or inspirational/encouraging posts on the military and stuff. Don't get me wrong I love a giveaway like anyone else but there is just something about those others posts, as you ladies pour out your hearts and reveal what the Lord has placed on them, that truly blesses me. Just something I noticed... or is it just me...?
Merry Christmas in July to you, as well! ;) So glad you could stop by, and thank you so much for filling out the survey!
And yes, it probably is just me, LOL! I've just been picking up on patterns over the months, and it seems to me that people tend to visit/comment more on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays than on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the weekend. But again, maybe it's just me and I post better things on those days. ;)
Anyway, I know what you mean about the devotionals and such... It is sad that people comment less, but I do hope they read them, too! I confess that often when I see a devotional post on my blog roll, I don't usually click on it unless something about it draws my attention. :( I should definitely focus more on those, but unfortunately they're usually longer and not as visually appealing, if that makes any sense... Which, again, is so sad, because of all my posts the ones that are the most meaningful are the devotionals/military posts/etc.
Maybe we could start a trend and make the extra effort to read/comment on those posts when we can...? I know you do that already, but it's something I should probably put more effort into.
Thank you for stopping by and answering my random question! ;)
I have taken the survey. Thank you for entering me in the contest.
I don't see one pickle.(:
Thank you so much! Your feedback is much appreciated! :)
And as for the pickles, if you're still on the hunt this afternoon, there's one left, and I offered a hint in the comments section of today's post!
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