I'm hitting the road tomorrow! I've been looking forward to what's become our annual vacation to Sunriver, Oregon. We always have so much fun as a family (my grandparents, my parents, my sister, and me), and I also appreciate the quiet time. =) Sunriver is a beautiful place, and I can't wait to ride my bike, see the sights, read, etc. I'm so glad for times of rest!
However, I've decided not to do any blogging while I'm gone. I think it will be good to take a break--and that way I won't be distracted from spending quality time with God and my family!
I'll miss you all, though! You are such dear friends to me, and I've really enjoyed having my own blog! Your comments touch my heart, and I'm so thankful that you take the time to follow my blog. You are all so wonderful!
Before I go, though, I thought I would tie up some loose ends:
First, the poll results are in! There were 14 people who voted, and (of the places I listed) the place you all most want to visit is . . . Ireland! Ireland received 5 votes. Coming in at a close second was Italy (with 4 votes). Third went to England (2 votes); and Hawaii, Germany, and Israel tied for fourth with 1 vote each. Europe seems to be the favored continent for travel destinations!
Second, it looks like the Washington D.C. trip isn't working out. :( It's not for sure that it won't happen, but I think it would be best to accept the inevitable in this case. However, as a college student, I won't mind having more time at home! And since I won't have "Washington D.C. Week," I'm happy to do another themed week in its place. That being said, I would (again!) love your input on which theme you would prefer. The poll is in the sidebar. Thanks!
Third, after having the big "Birthday Story Bash" week here on my blog with a Toy Story theme, I would love to share some pictures from my Toy Story themed family party! I apologize that I'm so late in sharing them!
In conclusion (Does it feel like I just wrote an essay to you? The post is even organized with an introduction, three main points, and a conclusion!), I'll be bringing several books with me on my trip (shown under my "Currently Reading Book Montage" in the sidebar), so maybe I'll have some reviews for you when I get back! And not long after I return, I'll be hosting author Julie Lessman!!! Yes, right here on this blog!!! So be sure and check in on July 9. (And I should be back on July 6 or 7 if you want to check in before then!)
I'll miss you all! Happy blogging while I'm gone! =)