Welcome to the first day of my Birthday Story Bash! To give you an idea of what the next few days will be like, each day will have its own theme based off of one (or more) of the Toy Story characters. Going along with the theme, there will be a guest interview; movie, book, and song-of-the-day selections; and a giveaway!
Today's characters are Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! Thus, the theme will be . . . food! (No, we won't talk about eating potatoes; and yes, I do like having food themes on my blog, as some of my "long-time" followers know!)
Our guest today is author Cerella Sechrist! Please join me in giving her a warm welcome!
Amber: Who is your favorite Toy Story character (this can be from the first or second movie)?
Cerella: I adore Rex the dinosaur. Despite his insecurities and paranoia, he's always willing to help his friends. =)
Amber: What is one of your favorite stories (ie: book, movie, family history, etc.)? Anything goes!
Cerella: Growing up, I loved the Berenstain Bears as well as Dr. Seuss. In particular, I'd always ask my mom to read about Seuss's Yertle the Turtle, king of the pond. It helped that she always did a variety of character voices. Story time was so entertaining at my house.
Amber: If you were in one of the Toy Story movies, which toy would you want to be?
Cerella: I think I'm gonna go with Tour Guide Barbie. I like the idea of driving a car and showing the other toys around. And she's so perky/pleasant. Now, if they had featured Strawberry Shortcake in the movie, I might change my answer... =D
Amber: You and strawberries! ;) Can't say that I blame you, though!
Cerella: All this toy talk is making me nostalgic for my childhood! I might have to go dig out some old stuffed animals to console myself. ;) Happy Toy Story week!
Thanks so much for joining us today, Cerella! I am honored to be able to host you here once again!
Readers, you can find my previous interview with Cerella HERE. And you can find Cerella at her website or her blog. She's a very sweet and very fun person (as well as a great author!), so be sure to drop by her blog and say hi!
Now for the selections of the day:
- Movie of the day: No Reservations
- Book of the day: Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania by Cerella Sechrist
- Song of the day: Dental Care by Owl City (After watching and reading about food, you'll want to go out and eat some! But just be sure to take good care of your teeth!)
To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post letting me know you want to be entered. You must have a U.S. mailing address and you must leave your e-mail address in your comment.
I highly recommend this book! (To read my review of Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania, click HERE.)
Note: I also recommend that you watch Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in preparation for the release of Toy Story 3 in theaters June 18!
(Toy Story picture is from the Pixar website.)
Great start-off to Toy Story week, Amber! I loved all your selections of the day...especially the book. Tee hee!!! =D I hope it's a happy week!!
Cerella D. Sechrist
An AUTOGRAPHED copy??? I'm so excited! :D I wanted to read this book the moment you reviewed it! I enter :)
Good morning!
Cerella: Thanks so much for stopping by! :D You really helped make the kick-off to this week simply wonderful! I quite enjoyed the book of the day myself! ;) Thank you again!
Ariel: Yes! Isn't that great? And I'm so happy my review made you want to read it, because it is a fun book! Thanks for entering and good luck in the drawing! :)
Oh, I so BADLY want to read this book. It is on my wishlist and everything!! Okay, enough dramatics, I seriously though plan to buy this someday if I don't win it somewhere.
I do live in the U.S.
Email in profile.
Thanks for the chance, GREAT start!!!!
I'm glad you're so excited! :D I would definitely recommend reading this book--it's a sweet, yummy story! ;) Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!
And thanks for your encouragement!
i love visiting hershey, pa....thanks for the chance to read this fabulous novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Please include me in your drawing! Love your song of the day today; of course, I love all of Owl City's songs. :) Yay for birthday bash week!
You have my email, hope I win! :)
I'm really looking forward to reading this book!! I'm glad Birthday Bash Week is finally here! I've been looking forward to it! :)
I've been waiting for this week! You certainly started out with a bang Amber!
Cerella, you're too funny, you made me LOL at wanting to be Tour Guide Barbie...but I have to say I don't know if I could handle being that perky all the time!
This has been fun so far, too bad we can't have a girls night out and go see TS3 together :-(
XOXO~ Renee
p.s. don't enter me I already have the book on my keeper shelf!
Hi Cerella and Amber! So good to see you both together here doing such creative things! I don't get to blog hop nearly as often as I like but couldn't miss saying hi. Like Renee said, wish we could all enjoy a movie together. As for Mr. Potato Head, he came out in my era, I think, so I'm definitely a fan:) Since this book is in my toppling TBR stack, I'm happy to up the chances of winning for some other fortunate reader:) Bless you all!
Hi everyone! So happy to have you here at the party! :D
Karen: I would love to visit Hershey! But at least reading the book was kind of like going there... ;) Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!
Lindsay: Miss you! Hope summer is going well for you! Yay for another fan of Owl City. :D Of course I already knew that, but still... ;) Thanks for entering, and good luck in the drawing!
Bluerose: You are so sweet! I've been looking forward to this week, too. ;) Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!
Renee: Thanks so much for your kind words and for stopping by today! Being Tour Guide Barbie would be kind of hard--"my cheeks are killing me," or would be, after all that smiling! ;) And oh! I would love to have a girls' night out! We should all go see it on opening night and then blog about it the next day! Then it would be like we had seen it together or something... Just an idea! ;)
Laura: Thanks so much for visiting today! :D How fun to meet a fan of Mr. Potato Head! He is a rather interesting character. ;) It's so nice that he has now found his Mrs. Potato Head; I wonder if they actually did adopt those aliens (from the second movie)? Anyway, hope you get a chance to read LFY in Hershey, Pennsylvania soon! Have a great day!
Oh, please sign me up. This book has been on my wish list for a while.
sundaisy920 at gmail dot com
Cerella mentioned Strawberry Shortcake...I loved Strawberry Shortcake when I was kid. I still have a couple of my SS dolls. :) Ah, memories. :)
Please enter me- this looks like such a great book!
Consider yourself entered in the drawing. ;) This is a great book to have on your wish list! And Strawberry Shortcake is very sweet! :) Gotta love those toy memories! I was (and still am) a big fan of stuffed animals, and I also think the Littlest Pet Shop toys are very cute!
Nice to meet you! Thank for your entry, and good luck in the drawing! :)
WOO HOO!!! What a great way to start out this Birthday Bash, Amber and Cerella! I LOVE LFYI Hersey, it's such a sweet, sweet read.LOL;D
Amber, I could so see you as Tour Guide Barbie. She is such a fun character, and I'd have to say she is my fave one out of all the other TS chacaters.
Please don't enter me in the giveaway, cause I already got this fantastic book sitting on my shelf (begging me to read it again).LOL:)
Can't wait for tommorrow, Amber!!
Love Ya!,
Please enter me in this giveaway - Thanks!
Howdy Ashley and Judy!
Ashley: Thanks so much for your encouragement! So glad you're excited, and isn't Cerella's book great? :) And that's so interesting that Tour Guide Barbie is your favorite character! I definitely admire her helpfulness and cheerfulness! ;)
Judy: Thanks for you entry, and good luck in the drawing! Thanks for stopping by!
Wow! I love Toy Story! It's a cute movie..and I really want to see the new one!
Please enter me into your drawing for Hershey...
Rae From Caffeine & Romance
I'd love the book" Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Everyone has been too sweet with the comments! I think Renee was on to something with this idea of all of us getting together to view TS3 - wouldn't that be AWESOME? I would love that. *sigh* Maybe one day, Folks! :)
I know she's uber-perky, but I still stand behind my decision to be Tour Guide Barbie. Tee hee!
Thanks for all the great comments, Everyone!!
Good morning once again! :)
Rae: As you can see, I love Toy Story, as well! I'm very excited to see the new one (and I'm planning on seeing it more than once in theaters if I can!)! Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!
Abi: Thanks for your entry! Good luck in the drawing! And thanks for visiting!
Cerella: Aren't these comments great? So much fun! :D I agree with you--Renee has a good idea there, and I wish we could have a girl's night out! :) (And good for you for sticking by Tour Guide Barbie! We need those cheerful, perky people!) ;) Thanks for coming back to check in!
Hi Amber,
Please count me in too...
You've been counted! ;) Thanks for your entry, and good luck in the drawing!
I'd love to win this book!!
Thank you for your entry! This is a great book! :) Good luck in the drawing!
Thanks so much for entering me! The book sounds wonderful. : )
scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net
Thanks for becoming a new follower! I hope you enjoy my blog. :) And thank you for your entry! It is a fantastic book!
I'm a Grandma and my grandchildren ages 3 and 5 live with us....so we have been enjoying Toy Story!
Please enter me to win a copy of this book!
Oh, Maureen, I'm sorry! I actually already drew the winners this morning. :( But please stopy by my blog again, as I'm sure there will be more book giveaways in the future!
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying watching Toy Story with your grandchildren, though! I love the movies so much, and I am eagerly awaiting the release of Toy Story 3!
Hope you have a good weekend!
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