"Emily Rose may be in the tiny West Texas town of Callahan Crossing for the moment, but it's just a rung on her ladder to success. Her work at the Callahan Crossing Historical Museum will look good on her ever-growing resume as she attempts to break into the prestigious world of a big city museum curator. Little does she know that cowboy and contractor Chance Callahan has decided that he can convince her to stay--both with the town and with him. As he helps Emily restore the town's history after a devastating fire, can he help her uncover the value of love?"
My Rating: Summer
My Review:
I was thrilled by how "real" this book was! The book was well-written and flowed really well. The feelings of the characters and the situations that arose felt very true to life, in my opinion, and the dialogue was engaging, witty, and just what the reader would expect to hear from these characters in these settings. The author even brought in cell phones and texting in such a cute and fun way!
The romance was very sweet, and the dilemma of having to choose between a career and love is something that I think many people can relate to. In this day and age, success (at least in the United States) is expected, and is defined by wealth and prestige. But this book challenges the reader to re-evaluate his or her definition of success, and to realize that we may be focusing on our own plans far more than we have sought God's plan.
Also, the other issues dealt with, such as reconciliation, courage, and understanding (as opposed to being judgmental) were very important and woven in well throughout the book. I was pleased with how the author captured modern life while also transporting the reader to a place that is far away from what most of us are familiar with. It was a great balance between ranches and bowling alleys, little museums and Cold Stone Creamery.
This book is a great, enjoyable read! The hero is both caring and strong (and quite handsome!), and sure to keep the reader turning those pages. The ending was just right, bringing both satisfaction and an interest to read more about the Callahans of Texas!
*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*
“Available October 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
Fantastic review -- I nearly picked this one up last weekend when I was in the bookstore, but didn't. Now I'm kicking myself. Will definitely pick it up the next time I'm at the store.
Thank you! :D
It's a fun, engaging, and well-written book, and I think you would like it. Maybe you can have more time to anticipate reading it now. ;)
I finished reading this earlier today. Completely agree with your review. It was truly a wonderful book, and I loved it.
Have you read Jenna's Cowboy? If not, you should read it too. It was just as good.
I'm glad you agree! :) It was definitely a great book!
I haven't actually read Jenna's cowboy, but from what I saw of Jenna and her husband and son in Emily's Chance, I think I would enjoy it, too. :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I was going to ask if Emily's Chance and Jenna's Cowboy were connected, but your last comment answered that. :)
I've heard nothing but good things about this author, so I've been looking forward to reading her books!
Glad I could help! ;) I really enjoyed this book--Sharon Gillenwater is a great author! Hope you get a chance to read some of her work soon! I've only read Emily's Chance, but from what I can tell her work in general must be good. :)
Nice review, Amber :) I have read both Jenna's Cowboy and Emily's Chance and enjoyed both but I think Jenna's Cowboy would be my favourite. I enjoyed the PTSD angle in that story.
I also have Sharon's earlier books which I loved - I'm probably showing my age given that were written in the 1990s - LOL!
Thank you! :) I haven't read Jenna's Cowboy, but I've heard great things about it! It sounds like it's pretty powerful in regards to subject matter. I loved meeting Jenna and her cowboy in Emily's Chance! ;)
I'm sure her earlier books are great, too! And don't worry--the '90s weren't that long ago (even though I was just a child then...) ;)
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