
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Novellas and Short Stories

I'm really excited about today's Top Ten Tuesday topic! Novellas and short stories are some of my favorites to write; even my two "novels" aren't really that long. ;) (You can see a list of the books I've written HERE.) I love when a story you can read in an evening or two has a much bigger impact than its small length would suggest. So, here's a list of some novellas/short stories I greatly enjoyed...

This Quiet Sky by Joanne Bischof

Sarah and Tucker's story floats through the heart with all the tender poignancy of a falling autumn leaf. Their friendship blooms sweetly, brightly. Grows into something as passionate and brilliant as the summer sun. And culminates in a season where beauty coexists with that which fades, causing bittersweet thoughts of that which lasts.
(Read more of my review HERE.)

Unlucky in Love & Lyrics by Tracy Joy Jones

This one was a newsletter freebie in honor of St. Patrick's Day, and what a fun, touching story! I'm not sure when/if the author will be offering this particular novella again, but you can currently grab her Fourth of July freebie novella (When Fireworks Fly) by signing up for her e-newsletter HERE. I haven't read it yet, but I really enjoyed How Gretchen Stole Christmas and Unlucky in Love & Lyrics, and I can't wait for the next novella to arrive in my inbox this fall. :)

Seaglass by Kara Swanson

Here's another newsletter freebie! (You can find it HERE.) This one is a short story by Kara Swanson, and here's my super short review from last December: A bit of fantasy churns through the pages of this simple little story, but the message shimmers bright for real-world readers. I love the imagery and what the two main characters come to see about living life.

The Little Siren by J.M. Stengl

All more newsletter freebie. ;) The Little Siren is such a cute and sweetly romantic introduction to the Faraway Castle series, and you can grab a copy when you sign up for the author's e-newsletter HERE. I've also started the other series novella, Cinder Ellie (available for purchase), and I'm having a blast revisiting the setting and reading about a heroine with a summer job, as I have one too (just as a breakfast server instead of a maid). 

The Language of Souls by Lena Goldfinch

This is the little story that introduced me to Lena Goldfinch's writing...and now I'm so blessed to call her a dear friend, mentor, encourager, and editing/marketing client. :) As I said in this post back in 2013, The Language of Souls is "a sweet, romantic, lovely fantasy novella."

Ten Thousand Thorns by Suzannah Rowntree

This story is beautiful... Epic, yet sweet. Profound, yet fun. Challenging, yet comforting. Ten Thousand Thorns is a version of Sleeping Beauty that has a life, message, and style all its own. I loved it!
(Read more of my review HERE.)

Bespoke by Amanda Dykes

All the rumors you might have heard are true...this is a lovely little tale! Only a few characters are featured, and yet the author weaves their lives into a braid of tender emotion, loss, and hope.
(Read more of my review HERE.)

One Enchanted Christmas by Melissa Tagg

Christmas in July, anyone? :) Here's another Christmas novella, and this one made my favorites list from 2015. (See the list HERE.)

Dash and Cinder by Bridget Ladd

Another novella that made a favorites list! (See the list HERE.) I do so love fairy-tale retellings. ♥

For Elise by Hayden Wand

This novelette is sweet, tender, and quirky.
(Read more of my review HERE.)

BONUS (Novella Collections I Love)

Five Glass Slippers
(Favorite novella: Broken Glass by Emma Clifton)

Five Enchanted Roses
(Favorite novella: Wither by Savannah Jezowski)

(Favorite novella: Rumpled by J. Grace Pennington)

With This Ring?
(Favorite novella: The Husband Manuever by Karen Witemeyer)


  1. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m glad you found some short fiction that you enjoyed!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. AJ,

    Thanks so much! :) And thank you for stopping by!


  3. Unlucky in Love and Lyrics looks SO darn cute!! (I mean that cover!!) I've also seen Bespoke around but haven't read it - looks pretty though. Just more stories to add to me someday-read list. Also of course, I adore Melissa's Christmas novellas. :)

    Thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland, Amber. Always glad to chat with you, friend. *hugs*

  4. Rissi,

    The story lives up to the cover! (And that cover is the cutest, isn't it??) If you get a chance, you should totally check out the free novella(s) she offers by signing up for her e-newsletter. :) She's a great writer, and I believe Melissa Tagg was the one who brought my attention to Tracy Joy Jones through a post or something!

    And Bespoke + Melissa Tagg's novellas make for wonderful Christmas reads!

    Thank you for visiting my blog, as well, friend. :) Love to chat books with you too!


  5. I loved For Elise! Such a fun/quirky/sweet story. And I also really enjoyed One Enchanted Christmas. 😊 Nice list, Amber!

  6. Miranda,

    That's awesome you read For Elise too! Definitely agree with your assessment. :) And yay for Melissa Tagg's novella too! Thank you for stopping by, friend!


  7. Thanks so much for including The Language of Souls. And so many other enticing reads for me to check out. ☺️

    I'm so glad we met and value our friendship. ��

  8. Lena,

    It's my pleasure! The Language of Souls is such a fantastic little read and such a great introduction to your work. ♥ Glad I could intrigue you with my other picks! ;)

    And I so value our friendship too!! *big hugs*



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