
Monday, July 16, 2018

Secrets, Sacrifices, and Shapeshifters | Review of Kiss of the Spindle

About the Book (from Shadow Mountain Publishing)

Doctor Isla Cooper is cursed. Literally. Each night, at the stroke of midnight she falls into a death-like sleep from which she cannot be awakened for six hours. To make it worse, the curse has an expiration date—after a year, it becomes permanent. And the year is almost up. In a desperate attempt to find Malette—the witch who cursed her—Isla blackmails her way onto Daniel Pickett’s private airship bound for the Caribbean, only to discover she’s traveling with three illegal shapeshifters and the despicable Nigel Crowe, a government official determined to hunt down and exterminate every shapeshifter in England.

Isla and Daniel must work together to keep the identities of the shapeshifters hidden while coming to terms with their own hidden secrets, and their blossoming attraction to each other. Filled with suspense, intrigue, and plenty of romance, Kiss of the Spindle is a steampunk Sleeping Beauty story. It is a race against the clock as Isla and Daniel try to hunt down the elusive Malette before Isla’s death-like sleep becomes permanent.

Available now!

My Rating


My Review

Danger comes in all shapes in this exciting take on the Sleeping Beauty story! In the beginning, the threat of future trouble and a building romantic tension carry the plot...and then things really start to take off in a new direction, especially once the characters reach their destination.

I so enjoyed getting to know the travelers and crew members aboard the Briar Rose airship. (Although I confess one particular passenger felt a little lacking in distinctive personality as the story progressed, at least compared to everyone else.) Samson is hilarious, and I loved his interactions with the captain! Nigel is mysterious; Daniel is a swoon-worthy, protective hero; and Isla is as spunky, determined, and likable as they come. This voyage brings together an interesting mix of people who have every reason to be wary of one another.

As with another steampunk/fantasy I read somewhat recently (The Electrical Menagerie by Mollie E. Reeder), the characters make the story feel accessible for fans of any great story (in this case, especially fans of romance!). It definitely has a dark side, and there are some magical elements mixed in with the interesting technological aspects, just as a heads up. But if you enjoy fairy-tale retellings with sweet and thrilling romance and fresh dangers the characters must navigate, Kiss of the Spindle is an excellent choice!

Complete with engaging settings (from an island paradise to a creepy swamp) and humor to lighten the tension, this story of secrets, sacrifices, and shapeshifters makes for an exciting escape.

*With thanks to Shadow Mountain through NetGalley for providing me with a complimentary e-ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*


  1. I'm jealous you got an ARC for this. I recently read The Beauty and the Clockwork Beast, and I put this on hold the day it came out, but I was still 16 in line for it at the library. Grr! I'm glad Daniel is swoon-worthy. I was hoping he would be.

  2. Kami,

    Daniel is totally a protective and sweet/snarky hero! I really liked him. ♥ And I'm thinking I should maybe get Beauty and the Clockwork Beast on audio sometime! I like how the author approached this genre. :) I hope you get to read Kiss of the Spindle soon! It's definitely a great read!!

    Not sure if you're on NetGalley, but that's how I got an e-ARC, as Shadow Mountain Publishing is on there. I think this title has been archived now, but maybe there will be a third book at some point?? *crosses fingers*



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!