
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Helpful Perspective for Life's Journey | Review of Born to Wander

About the Book (from Moody Publishers)

Why are we so restless? 

All of us have a little wanderlust—a desire for that next thing, that new place, but this competes with our longings for security, control, and safety. We don't like how it feels to be unsettled and uprooted. Whether we're navigating a season of transition, dealing with the fallout of broken relationships, or wrestling with a deep sense of restlessness, we are all experiencing some form of exile. And most of us do whatever we can to numb the feelings of unbelonging, powerlessness, and unsettledness that come with it. But the truth is that exile has a profound purpose if we can just learn to lean in.

Over and over again Scripture tells us that the people of God are exiles and wanderers. And this is good news because exile is what transforms us into pilgrims. In Christ, we are no longer directionless wanderers, but pilgrim followers who have a clear purpose and a secure identity. In Born to Wander, Michelle Van Loon weaves together personal stories and keen insights on the biblical themes of pilgrimage and exile. She will help you embrace your own pilgrim identity and reorient your heart toward the God who leads you home. Engaging and thoughtful, enhanced with practical suggestions, prayers, and questions, Born to Wander will teach how to trust God even when you don't understand what's happening around you and follow Him even when it hurts.

If you keep chasing security, you'll never find it. Embrace the purpose behind the wandering and discover the freedom and safety of resting in God alone.

My Rating


My Review

I love the idea of adventure, the concept of life being a journey. I also understand the restless longing that doesn't go away no matter where you move or how your life might change for the better. So the premise of this book captured my attention!

Born to Wander is an encouraging series of chapters on various steps of the "pilgrim" journey each Christian faces in this world. It's all very readable and approachable, speaking to modern challenges while discussing lessons and accounts from Scripture. I found the latter chapters (particularly "Divided," "Trekked," "Sojourned," and "Diverted") to be especially compelling and thought-provoking (although it might also be that I was more focused when I was reading much of those sections in one day).

I appreciated the insights the author provides; for example, the context and explanations she offers regarding the Psalms/Songs of Ascent in the book of Psalms (in the "Trekked" chapter). This is a great, fairly quick read to use as a launching point for contemplating the life you're called to live, your identity in this world, and your perspective along the way.

*With thanks to Moody Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words about the book, Amber!

  2. Michelle,

    My pleasure! Thank you for writing this encouraging resource. :) ♥



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