
Friday, April 13, 2018

Where Trains Collide | Blog Tour Invitation

I've shared the news on social media, but in case you haven't heard...I finally finished Where Trains Collide! You might recall that I revealed the cover back in February 2015, and I posted about some inspiration in September 2015 when I stayed at the Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed-and-Breakfast. It really shouldn't have taken three years to finish such a short novella, but perhaps the story needed me to gain some new experiences in the meantime. :)

In any case, I'm so excited to invite you to join the blog tour! If you don't have a blog but would still like to review the ebook on Amazon and/or Goodreads or share about the novella on social media, you're welcome to sign up too!

Thank you so much for your support, friends. ♥ More to come soon!

About the Book

Two hearts racing in different directions will meet where trains collide. 

Burned out and disillusioned with her chosen career path, Trisha Knolane gives in to impulse and hops on a train bound for Oregon, eager to escape the stress of college for a few days. But what begins as a fun little adventure takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is also on board.

All her hopes and dreams had once centered on Paul Benson. Now, when Trisha doesn't know where her current track will lead, Paul’s reappearance in her life only complicates matters and sparks difficult questions.

Questions that could change the course of her life.

A heartfelt and thought-provoking contemporary romance novella, Where Trains Collide faces the uncertain season of new adulthood head on and shows that sometimes a path of broken dreams can lead to life’s best destination.

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  1. I'm so looking forward to reading this novella! And I have always considered While You're Awake to be my favorite of your covers, but this one might be my new favorite. I love the autumn theme! :-)

  2. First off, I totally understand taking ages to finish a novella! Sometimes, life just hits hard and a story needs to be put on hold. :)

    Secondly, I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!!!! I signed up, and (*flails*) AAAAAH I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS THE EXCITEMENT!! *heart-eyes forever* Congratulations on finishing it, Amber -- that's such a huge accomplishment! *gives you chocolate and showers you with confetti* <333

    I can't wait for Where Trains Collide to hit the shelves!

    Have a blessed weekend!

    Liv //

  3. Congratulations, Amber!! So glad to see you're back to writing your own books again! Such wonderful news -- I'm soooo happy for you!! I can hardly wait to read it. Good job!

  4. Miranda,

    So grateful for your support, my friend! Thank you! And isn't the cover so lovely? I'm an autumn fan too, and Lena did such an awesome job bringing things together for this cover. :)


  5. Liv,

    Thank you so much for your kind, understanding words, and especially for your enthusiasm!! It's meant so much to see your excitement for this story. :D And I will totally take any chocolate and confetti thrown my way, haha! ;) <3

    Thank you again!!


  6. Cindy,

    Aww, thank you so much!! We totally need to catch up soon. :) I'm so grateful for your kindness and encouragement!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!