
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: All About Audio

For this week's Top Ten Tuesday, we have a freebie topic—whatever we'd like to feature! I'm going with audiobooks. I've revived my Audible account so I can get some new audiobooks over the next few months, as I'm going to have a decent commute to my part-time summer job once that starts. :) So I'm going to share some faves and wish-list titles, but I'd also love to know what you'd recommend!

Currently listening to...

Narrated by Laura Knight Keating

I'm almost 40% through this book, and I'm thinking I'll stick with it! I've given up or set aside various audiobooks, but I'm mostly liking the narrator's voice for this one, which bodes well. The sister relationships are sweet and authentic, and the premise of private love letters being unknowingly sent out is interesting. An adaptation of the book is supposedly coming to Netflix in August! So far there has been a bit of crude language and innuendo, and I'm hoping that's the main extent of the rough content.

I enjoyed listening to...

#2 My Own Mr. Darcy by Karey White
Narrated by Heidi Baker

This is the last audiobook I finished, and I really enjoyed it! Here's my review:

The narrator (Heidi Baker) did a great job; her voice is sweet and enjoyable to listen to. She really seems to capture Elizabeth's voice and personality. It's like listening to a friend. But I think she did a great job with the guys too! The story is what you'd want and expect from a clean contemporary romance, with some drama and angst, an interesting love triangle, and some great characters and scenes. One thing I love about the books I've read by Karey White is the places she chooses to feature and how she describes them. It's like taking a tour while having a fun story unfold around you.

#3 It Took a War by Emily Ann Putzke
Narrated by Guyon Brandt

I received a digital copy of this audiobook from the author for review, and I thought the performance fit perfectly with the story! Here's a snippet from my review on Audible:

I was truly impressed with the presentation of this story as an audiobook! The narrator did a phenomenal job, even singing songs from the American Civil War era a capella (and pulling it off quite wonderfully!). This is a well-researched tale, one that provides an endearing glimpse into a family struggling to find themselves and understand one another through the difficulties of war. In a little over three hours, it's like experiencing an epic play outside the theater. All you need to do is pause halfway through for an intermission. :)

#4 Legend by Marie Lu
Narrated by Mariel Stern and Steven Kaplan

I believe I bought and listened to this one through iTunes when I was in college, and I remember loving the narration. Having the two narrators really drew me in to the dystopian, tension-filled world. Great listening!

#5 How a Star Falls by Amber Stokes
Narrated by Patrick Wilson Mahaney

Shameless self-promotion alert! This is an audiobook version of one of my inspirational contemporary romance novellas. :) I was absolutely thrilled with the narrator's work, and I'm so glad he was willing to take on this project. He brought Derrick to life! While I'd love to do more audiobooks someday, if it doesn't happen for a long time or ever, I'm just so grateful for this one.

I might like to listen to...

#6 Christy by Catherine Marshall
Narrated by Kellie Martin

Confession: I haven't read Christy all the way through yet. I've started it before, but haven't finished it, which is sad! I have a paperback copy, but the main reason I put the audio version on my wish list is because it's read by actress Kellie Martin, the one who played Christy in the TV show (and did an amazing job!). How delightful would it be to listen to her read the book? I believe I heard about the audiobook through one of the marketing videos for the new hard copy edition from Gilead Publishing. 

#7 Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
Narrated by Marisa Calin

I've been seeing this book online and around the blogosphere, and it sounds/looks so cool! I do love pirate stories, and I wouldn't mind giving this audiobook a try. :) 

#8 The Masterpiece by Francine Rivers
Narrated by Susan Bennett

This is another book that's been talked about a lot, given the author. The audiobook seems to have great reviews, and I like that it's nearly 16 hours, so it would last for a little while and help pass the time on some car rides. ;)

#9 Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist
Narrated by Shauna Niequist

Not too long ago, I read another book by this author on my Kindle: Bread and Wine. I believe Present Over Perfect was a huge bestseller when it hit shelves, and given that I enjoyed the other book (and this topic sounds very meaningful and relevant), I'd be interested in giving this one a try. It's neat that the author narrated the audio version!

#10 The Problim Children by Natalie Lloyd
Narrated by Cassandra Morris

This author's middle-grade books are the sweetest! I've read A Snicker of Magic and the The Key to Extraordinary, and I might like to try this one sometime—perhaps in audio format.

* * *

Which audiobooks have been your favorites?
Which ones are you really eager to try?


  1. I agree that a narrator can make or break an audiobook. My favorite audiobook was Ashes of Twilight by Kassy Tayler, narrated by Nicola Barber.

  2. Laura,

    The narrator makes a huge difference, for sure! Thank you so much for sharing your favorite audiobook! I checked out your review on your blog, and it sounds so good. :D Now it's going to be more tricky narrowing down which audiobooks I want to get this summer! ;)

    Thanks again!


  3. I own To All The Boys I've Loved Before but haven't read it yet! Maybe I'll read it through audiobook. The Legend series is probably my favorite dystopian young adult series. I never even though to listen to them through audiobook. That's a great idea thank you! Happy reading/listening and thanks for stopping by page! :)

    Heather's Reading Hideaway

  4. Kate Breslin's High as the Heavens narrated by Renee Ertl is really good. I think I earned every Audible badge listening to it. Couldn't stop ;)

  5. Heather,

    So far, To All the Boys I've Loved Before has been fun to listen to in audiobook format! :) And oooh, I bet you'd love Legend in audio! The two narrators do a great job.

    Happy to visit, and thank you for stopping by my post too! :)


  6. Patricia,

    That's awesome! I read High as the Heavens in paperback, but it sounds like it made for a great audiobook. :) Love when you just want to keep listening. Good to know about that narrator!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!