
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Encouraging and Motivating for Any Wife | Review of The Leader's Wife

Review Tour Organized by JustRead Publicity

About the Book (from Ambassador International)

As a woman leading a life of influence, you may find yourself without sufficient clarity or equipping for the challenges you face. For many, the role of wife of a leader is one thrust upon, rather than chosen. For others, it is a responsibility embraced but no less complicated to navigate. In either case, as one sharing a journey with a world-changer, this book is for you.

Debby Thompson has spent decades of listening to the voices of tried and tested women, and her experiences have instilled a sense of urgency in her to pass on the insights she has gleaned. Within The Leader’s Wife, she addresses some of the most difficult questions facing wives of leaders. With vulnerability and candor, Debby speaks from her own mistakes and discoveries.

The Leader’s Wife offers not a job description but a GPS. It is a blueprint without how-to’s and ought-to’s for igniting within you what the Creator has already designed. The biblical teaching, personal stories, and hard-won lessons Debby communicates will guide and empower you to live with eternal intentionality.

The Leader’s Wife encourages women to pursue
  • intimacy with Jesus
  • authenticity with others
  • a passion for their calling
  • a purpose for their influence

Available now as a Kindle ebook
Releases May 11, 2018 in paperback

My Rating


My Review

The Leader's Wife is an encouraging and motivating read for any wife who desires to follow Jesus in her marriage and all of life. While the author speaks to those who have the specific challenges of loving and working alongside a leader in Christian ministry, she offers lessons that can speak to every believer.

While the structure of the book doesn't feel entirely cohesive, there are a lot of helpful thoughts in here, especially pertaining to a wife's identity and relationship with Jesus. Debby shares a bit of her own experiences as a woman who married a leader and left behind family and her home country to serve as a missionary with her husband. I appreciate the way she shares about some of the challenges, along with the truths she had to accept in following God's will and trusting Him.

In some ways, I feel like the writing and subjects could have gone deeper, perhaps more detailed or more emotionally engaging. (I also admit I'm a little uncomfortable with what feels like "loose" or light treatment of the term "covenant" regarding commitments made within marriage.) Some of the concepts are things you'd find covered in other Christian marriage books, such as the importance of date night and sex, but there is an overall context of the unique struggles of a marriage in the spotlight...and how a leader's wife can feel separated from others, jealous when "sharing" her husband, or unsure of her own role.

Some of the lines I highlighted included thoughts on trusting God and prioritizing time with Him, as well as choosing to have a right view of your active role alongside your husband. There are great reminders and interesting glimpses into the lives of past leaders' wives in this book, with an emphasis on following Jesus above all as you strive to honor Him in your marriage.

*With thanks to Ambassador International through JustRead Publicity for providing me with a complimentary e-ARC of this book.*

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