
Friday, April 20, 2018

Prepare a Cup of Tea for Sense and Sensibility! | Read-Along Invitation

Let's enjoy some delightful spring reading together, friends! I'd love to have you join me in reading and discussing Sense & Sensibility. This will complete our read-alongs for the main books of Jane Austen (started back in 2015), which is both exciting and bittersweet. ♥ But I so look forward to savoring this book for the first time and exchanging thoughts with you!

If I calculated correctly, the days and chapter numbers fit perfectly for this time period (woohoo!). Here are the details:
  • The read-along will take place May 1-25.
  • We'll read 2 chapters per day.
  • The discussions will take place on Fridays. We'll discuss Volume I on May 11, Volume II on May 18, and Volume III on May 25. 
  • Use the hashtag #SASReadAlong on Twitter to share in-the-moment thoughts and favorite quotes. 
Prepare your teacups and cozy reading nooks, for another read-along is about to begin!

(Past Jane Austen read-alongs: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, EmmaPride & Prejudice, and Mansfield Park)


  1. I look forward to this - should be fun :-) It's a re-read for me, plus I have seen various adaptations & read a new, modern version of it, so I know I will enjoy this :-) Thanks for hosting the readalong!

  2. I'm in. It's the last Jane Austen I have to read, and a read-along sounds great.

  3. Ginette,

    So glad you're looking forward to it and will be joining in! :) Bet you'll have tons of great insights after being so familiar with the story! I've seen the movie adaptation with Emma Thompson, but this will be my first time reading the book. Can't wait!


  4. Carissa,

    Yay! Same here, at least as far as her main books go. I still haven't read some of her shorter stories and the one she didn't finish writing herself. :) Happy you'll be joining the read-along, friend!


  5. Yay! Count me in! It has been awhile since I read it last, so this will be fun! :D

  6. MovieCritic,

    Awesome! Loved your creative posts and thoughts for the Mansfield Park read-along! So glad you'll be joining this one. :D


  7. Woohoo! I can't wait! Looking forward to sharing with y'all! This will be a re-read for me, but it has been awhile so it will be like new I'm sure! I can't believe we have read all of them together! How fun is that? I have a lovely print copy that has all of the works of Jane Austen in it, but I downloaded a free Kindle copy because I will be on vacation and it is easier to bring a Kindle than it is to carry a huge tome :)

    Julie @ My Favorite Pastime

  8. I am so excited to read this book with you guys! I have two pretty paperbacks that I will be switching between. Can't wait to start! :-D

  9. Julie,

    SO fun to be able to read all these Jane Austen books together! :D I'm looking forward to this read-along too, and getting to hear your thoughts on Sense & Sensibility! And totally understandable about not wanting to tote around a giant volume of Austen's works on your trip. ;) Yay for Kindles!!


  10. Miranda,

    Aw, that's fun you'll be switching between books! Gotta enjoy both copies! :) Love all the pretty editions of Jane Austen's works. Excited to chat about this book with you too!


  11. I haven't read this one! I would love to join, but I don't know what I have going on. I'll have to get back to you on joining.

  12. Kami,

    Totally understand! If you do decide to join, know that you're welcome to jump in whenever or only participate in certain discussions. :) No pressure, just fun!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!