
Monday, April 21, 2014

Off to Lake Tahoe for the Love's Promises Tour! to the blog tour for Love's Promises! Sandra Leesmith's books are atmospheric, with unique settings that provide the perfect engaging backdrops for her characters' emotional stories. With Love's Promises, Sandra invites you to take a little trip to Lake Tahoe...

Several of the author interviews this week will feature Lake Tahoe, and one discusses some of the environmental concerns spotlighted in the book. There will also be some reviews and a couple of character interviews - plus a giveaway designed to give you a little "taste of Lake Tahoe" with a Tahoe mug, a paperback copy of Love's Promises, and some other sweet prizes! So please join us as we sail and ski around the blogosphere this week. We're glad to have you in our tour group! :)

Tour Itinerary

Monday, April 21st
Tuesday, April 22nd
Wednesday, April 23rd
Thursday, April 24th
Friday, April 25th
*Giveaway winner will be announced one week after the conclusion, in order to give readers more time to submit their entries.

Special Offer

What's a travel package without a special offer? ;) Act now to secure your FREE reading adventure in Kindle format! Love's Promises will only be free during the tour today and tomorrow (April 21-22), so don't miss it...

Travel Rewards

Sandra is offering one reader a taste of Lake Tahoe with a sweet prize pack: a signed paperback copy of Love's Promises, a journal, a Lake Tahoe coffee mug, a pound of Millstone Velvet Chocolate coffee, and a Hulet Glass chocolate drop! This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You can enter to win via the Rafflecopter form below:
You can find direct links to all the tour stops (once they're live), as well as a tour button (if you want to share about all the fun you're having!), on the blog tour page. Please contact your tour guide, Amber Stokes, at if you have any questions about this virtual trip. Enjoy the tour!


  1. Good morning Amber, Thanks again for setting up this lovely blog tour. It is going to be fun. Some of the bloggers featured really interesting interview questions. Made me think. smile

  2. Just wanted to remind folks that if they go to a blog site and the review isn't up yet to come back later. The different time zones make it interesting. smile

  3. Exciting news! LOVE'S PROMISES is free today (Monday, april 21, 2014) on Kindle

    Go to Amazon and download today.

  4. Hello, Sandra!

    You know it's my pleasure to work with you and set up these blog tours. :) There really were some great interview questions this time, weren't there? Looking forward to everyone's posts!

    And thank you for the reminders for my readers! Kindle freebie promotions are so fun. :)


  5. Congratulations, Sandra, on another successful book and blog tour! Hope "Boo" is doing well!

  6. Cindy,

    You're so sweet to drop by! It's such a pleasure to work with both of you. :)



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