
Friday, April 25, 2014

Conclusion of the Love's Promises Blog Tour!

Today is the "official" conclusion of the Love's Promises blog tour, but there are still three fun posts to visit today, and you still have one week left to enter the giveaway!

And have you heard? The book is now available in gorgeous paperback (designed and formatted by Stone Lily Design)! Be sure to check out the "flip to back" feature on Amazon to see the lovely back cover.

Tour Recap 

On Monday, we learned about Sandra's love for Lake Tahoe at The Wonderings of One Person, and we found out why Love's Promises is Meagan's favorite Sandra Leesmith book at The Curried Nut.

On Tuesday, we explored the environmental theme of the book at Jorie Loves a Story; we heard Julie's thoughts on the relationships in the book at My Favorite Pastime; we had a special Tuesday Tea celebration at Sherida Stewart; and we learned why Kav thinks it's a "gripping read" at Best Reads (2010-2014).

On Wednesday, we discovered what Ann Lee Miller enjoyed about the book at Ann's Two Cents; read why Alyssa considered it to be a good read at Literary and Lace; and enjoyed a book spotlight at Bluerose's Heart.

On Thursday, we chatted with the hero (Greg) at Reviews by Molly and with the heroine (Monica) at i blog 4 books.

And today, there's an interview at Fictionally, a review at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot, and another review at To Be A Person!

Be sure to check out all those fun posts and show Sandra and the bloggers some comment love! Sandra and I are grateful for each blogger's participation - their time, effort, and enthusiasm. :)


You have one more week to get your entries in for the tour-wide (US only) giveaway! Don't miss the chance to win a signed copy of Love's Promises and some other sweet prizes...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner will be announced next Friday (May 2nd)!

Thank you for joining us on this virtual trip to Lake Tahoe! Do let us know what you enjoyed most about tour. :)


  1. Morning Amber, What a lovely tour you set up for Love's Promises. These bloggers are awesome. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and thanks to the bloggers as well. They are all so special.

    I knew going in that the environmental issue would be a problem for some and yes, some of the reviewers embraced it wholeheartedly and others were put off by it. But I am glad I went ahead and published this because the issues are dear to my heart.

    Again, thanks to all who participated. You are wonderful. And thank you again, Amber for all you did.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful tour. It was wonderful and I look forward to digging into your books.

    As to the preservation of Lake Tahoe, I'm all for it. There are way to many places of natural beauty being destroyed. It's really sad to me that more aren't. I'm a lover of nature and every time I go to visit a special place of God's beautiful creation that's been overrun it breaks my heart.
    Is it any wonder why so many have a hard time seeing the beauty of our Father God when we've slowly destroyed the reflection of His beauty in creation all around us?
    Now don't get me wrong I'm not a freak about nature but I hold a great appreciation for all that God created for our pleasure. I just think we should appreciate it a little bit more.

    God bless ladies!!!

  3. Sandra,

    These bloggers really are special, aren't they? I enjoy working with them - and you! So glad you liked the tour! Your great story with its unique setting and themes made it easy and fun to promote. :)

    I'm also glad that you took a chance on this book! It's wonderful that all your research and your passion for healthy, loving relationships, as well as the environment, can now be enjoyed by readers. :)

    Happy to work with you! *Hugs*


  4. Kristie,

    So glad you enjoyed the tour! That's awesome to hear. :) Sounds like you'll love Sandra's books!

    I agree in that I'm so grateful beautiful places are being preserved for everyone to enjoy. While I'm not necessarily an outdoors person, I do love being out in God's creation, as well, and I think it should be appreciated, taken care of, and enjoyed. :)

    God bless you, too, and thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!


  5. I look forward to reading your books. I think that we need to preserve the environment as much as possible. Especially our lakes and National Parks. For future generations. I've never been out west so I've never seen lake Tahoe. But I have fond memories spent at the lake not far from my great grandparents in Kentucky.

  6. Carissa,

    Hope you enjoy discovering Sandra's stories! I'm also grateful for our state and national parks, and I hope we continue to preserve them. I have a lot of great memories enjoying the various parks and other nature locations, as well! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :)


  7. Sandra,

    Congrats on another wonderful book and blog tour! All the best to you in any future endeavors. Hope you keep writing for years to come!

  8. Cindy,

    Thank you for stopping by to encourage Sandra! I hope she (and you!) keeps writing more and more, as well! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!