
Sunday, April 27, 2014

April Showers: The Weather Girl Blog Tour

The Weather Girl The Weather Girl
by Amy Vastine
Clean Adult Contemporary Romance
January 1st 2014 by Harlequin

Turbulence is in their forecast

Summer Raines knows when it's going to rain. She can feel it. That's why the local weather girl's so good at her job. Too bad she couldn't have foreseen the tumultuous arrival of Travis Lockwood, everybody's favorite star NFL quarterback. Make that former star NFL quarterback. Sidelined back to Texas after an injury, the golden boy is trying to steal her precious on-air time. Summer is reduced to reporting from…football games. It's enough to make her quit and become a storm-chaser like her parents. She's stuck with a career that's going nowhere and a man who delights in her refusal to be charmed. Falling in love isn't nearly as easy as predicting the weather.

My Rating

My Review

You don't have to be a fan of football to get a kick out of this story of weather-girl-meets-former-football-star! (Note the word "former.") I appreciate that The Weather Girl is accessible to those of us with little knowledge about the sport, and, indeed, it's more about finding hope when single-minded ambitions are unexpectedly crushed and reconciling your dreams with your responsibilities/other desires. I'd venture to say that this book is a gem for those in the NA (new adult) crowd as well as the adults, as it deals with issues I could very much relate to.

While there was a tad bit of subtle head-hopping on occasion (seeing the story through multiple characters' views in one scene without breaks), a little (mild) swearing, and a good deal of introspection, this was a very fun and engaging read. There's some suspense, although the main focus is on the developing romance. I loved Summer's nervous habit, and how Travis reacts to it! And in the background, Summer's grandparents provide the sunshine and her coworkers provide the rain (though not exclusively). The balance of family/work scenes with the blossoming romance scenes is great.

With clever characterization, relevant conflicts, and an ending that is adorable and absolutely perfect for the story, The Weather Girl is a sunny read for a rainy day. Harlequin Heartwarming at its finest!

*With thanks to Prism Book Tours and the publisher for providing me with an e-copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Amy VastineAmy Vastine has been plotting stories in her head for as long as she can remember. An eternal optimist, she studied social work, hoping to teach others how to find their silver lining. Now, she enjoys creating happily ever afters for all to read.

In September of 2012, she saw a tweet about Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write contest. She entered, hoping for nothing more than a little feedback from some people in the business. Amazingly, The Weather Girl made it into the semi-finals, thanks to the many wonderful voters out there! The manuscript didn't make it to the finals, but the editors over Harlequin were still interested. A few revisions later and The Weather Girl was contacted for publication with Harlequin Heartwarming - a dream come true!

Amy lives outside Chicago with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband, three fun-loving children, and their sweet but mischievous puppy dog.

Website * Goodreads * Facebook * Twitter

A Seasons-Themed Interview with Amy

Amber: Hi, Amy! Welcome to "Seasons of Humility" - glad to have you here. :) Tell us, what is your favorite season? And what would your heroine's favorite season be? (Could be cliché, but you never know! *wink*) 

Amy: Hello! Thank you so much for hosting me here today :)

I would have to say my favorite season is the one we are in right now - SPRING! Now, you might think Summer would favor her namesake, but I think she would love spring like me. Especially in Texas because March-May is tornado season in the south. She would love it for the volatility of the weather, of course!

Amber: That definitely sounds like it would be up Summer's alley - her "Tornado Alley," perhaps? (Lame joke - sorry!) 

Moving on... Do you find spring weather rejuvenating, or more something to endure? 

Amy: I love spring and the way the world comes to life after the long, cold winter here in Chicago. I love seeing the trees turn green and the flowers blooming, so I can deal with the rain here and there. All three of my kids were born in May, so it really does symbolize new life for me!

Amber: Aww, that's awesome! Which season do you find the most romantic? Would your book's hero agree? 

Amy: Oh, this is a tough one. I guess I think fall is pretty romantic here in the Midwest. When the leaves turn colors and the weather gets a little chilly, perfect for cuddling. This might not be the same answer you'd get from Travis. Fall means football, and football isn't too romantic. And let's not forget, Travis loves ... Summer! ;)

Amber: LOL! Love it! 

What advice would you give to someone who feels "stuck" in a less hopeful season of a career they love, like Summer's situation?

Amy: Summer loves everything about the weather, but sort of settled for a career that kept her close to family rather than one that let her really follow her dreams. I think Summer's grandparents gave her the best advice - sometimes you just have to go after the things you want and trust that everything will work out. You gain nothing and potentially lose what you want the most if you don't at least give your dreams a try. I have to say that advice worked for me. I never imagined being a published author and I still wouldn't be if I hadn't taken the risk and enter a contest that got Harlequin's attention! You never know what can happen if you put yourself out there - go for it!

Amber: Great thoughts! So what's next in this season of your writing/publishing career?

Amy: I have so many exciting things coming up. I am in the middle of the editing process for my second book with Harlequin Heartwarming (the first of three in a new series). It's titled THE BETTER MAN and I cannot wait to get it out there and in the hands of all our awesome Heartwarming readers. After I finish all three of these books, there's no telling what's in store for me. I have so many ideas swirling in my head, the sky's the limit!

Amber: Very cool! Thanks so much for visiting with us today, Amy. :) 

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- Grand Prize: $25 Amazon gift card, red umbrella, signed copy of THE WEATHER GIRL, umbrella bookmark, and decorative box (US Only)
- 5 ebooks of The Weather Girl (INT)
- April 21 - May 11

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. As long as the wing is not blowing, I love most days. Overcast, sunny....I don,t mind a cloudy day either. That winds just bothers me!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  2. Melanie,

    How interesting! I confess I'm rather partial to the wind - I love the power of it, or the sweetness of it in a warm breeze. But of course, sometimes it can be really biting and cold, and that's not as fun when you're not dressed for it. :\ And I'm sure it really depends where you live, too!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :) Good luck in the giveaway!


  3. Thanks so much for the very sweet review, Amber! I am so glad you liked the story and appreciate your participation in the blog tour :)

  4. Amy,

    My pleasure! I'm grateful I got the chance to read your book and interview you. :) This was the perfect tour for my blog!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!