
Friday, February 28, 2014

Review Copy Cleanup Conclusion and 2014 Goals Update

Review Copy Cleanup Conclusion

So... *cough cough* I think my goals for this challenge were a little unrealistic, LOL. What with book projects and life and for-fun books that I just couldn't wait to read, I only managed to finish 3 review books out of the 11 on my list (Fly Away Home, The Thief, and Circle of Spies - all fabulous reads!). Not to mention that I've since added several more review books to my piles... Oh, well!

I've decided I need to take this thing in more manageable chunks. Maybe in March I'll try to finish 4 print books for review and 3 e-books... Or maybe we'll just see how it goes. ;) Either way, you can pretty much count on the fact that I'll be reading something!

2014 Goals Update

You can find my goals post from the beginning of the year HERE.

  • Still nothing new to report on the job front. With being an author, freelance editor/publicist, occasional assistant to my dad, blogger/reviewer, and family girl, I haven't really been bored! I've still got to find a way to manage my time better, though.
  • Here's the breakdown in the book department:
    • Bought 3 Kindle e-books - didn't surpass my limit there! Of course, one was a collection of 7 books, but it was only $.99... And of course this isn't counting the freebies. However, I did also purchase 1 paperback yesterday, but I'm counting that toward my March purchases - I just got a little antsy. ;)
    • Requested 4 books for review: 1 e-ARC, 2 e-books from the authors (one has  yet to be sent, though), and 1 paperback that actually came as a surprise, but I'm not complaining! OK, technically there was another request in there that I haven't heard back on, so I'm not really counting on it at this point. So yeah, I guess I ended up failing a bit in this department, LOL.
  • The reviews are coming along well! I like having the snack-size option so that not all of my reviews have to be super in-depth. Again, I have a few exceptions for reviews, but otherwise, I'm trying to review almost every book I read.
  • Ah, exercise... Yeah, I kind of fell behind on that. The nice thing is, though, that I got outside a *bit* more and varied my activities due to having a guest staying with us, attending a Western-themed dinner dance, etc. 
  • I didn't end up sending a letter that last week of January, but I've been keeping up with the letter-writing since then. Can I just say I love adding wax seals to them? Kudos to the creative Jessica Dotta for getting me hooked on that. ;) My mom found the wax and seals at Michaels.
February was a rather fun month, overall. With the FMN blog tour, Valentine's Day (visiting my grandpa at the care home and watching Sleepless in Seattle with the fam), that Western dinner/dance, having a family friend visit, eating out quite a bit, another game night with friends - yep, good times! A cold caught me at the end of the month, but nothing some chicken noodle soup couldn't soothe, right?

How was February for you? What are you looking forward to in March?


  1. Sounds like a great month overall, Amber! :)

  2. Rissi,

    It was a good month! :) Hope it was for you, too, my friend! Looking forward to March. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!