
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Murder Mystery Parties & Big Book Giveaway! (Blog Tour Update #2)

Have you been following the trail of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks? Be sure to check the blog tour page each day for direct links! Today's stop is right here, where we've got a BIG book giveaway happening!

Author Cindy Vincent has very generously offered 7 books for 4 lucky winners! The prizes are divvied up as follows:
  • Grand Prize: Winner receives paperback copies (1 each) of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks, The Case of the Cat Show Princess, AND Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too (a cat-themed devotional)
  • 2nd Prize: Winner receives paperback copies (1 each) of  The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks and The Case of the Cat Show Princess
  • 3rd Prize: Winner receives a paperback copy of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks
  • 4th Prize: Winner receives a paperback copy of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks 
And here's a glimpse at all those prizes (with purchase links, in case you'd rather not wait to see if you're a winner, or if you want to buy extra copies for Christmas gifts!):
(A Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper, Book 2)
(A Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper, Book 1)
(33 Daily Devotions to Show God's Love)

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only, and entries will be accepted through December 20, 2013. There are a ton of ways to enter, and you'll find all the links and info you'll need in the Rafflecopter form below, which you'll use to submit your entries. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
One of the ways to enter this giveaway, as you'll see on the form, is by entering the Pinterest contests set up for the blog tour. (Yes, you can double up entries in all these exciting contests/giveaways! Cool, huh?)  In case you missed hearing about these, you can learn more on the blog tour page, or you can check out an update on the "Pin Your Cute Cat Pic" contest from a few days ago HERE.

Today I wanted to show you why you'll want to enter these Pinterest contests. The prizes are murder mystery party games.

You might think, "Party kits. That's interesting. But they're just boxes... What do I do with them? Are they hard to set up? Is it worth the effort?"

Let me tell you, murder mystery party games are awesome!! I've hosted several of them, and while, yes, there is some work involved in sending out invites, preparing food, etc., these kits are basically just "add humans and serve." You've got the whole story, scripts, and instructions all right there! (Visit the Mysteries by Vincent website to see exactly what the prize kits include.)

Want to see how much fun you can have hosting a murder mystery party?

You have the chance to dress up, for starters! How many events do you get to attend after high school/college that include wearing costumes or dressing up? Seriously??

Food and friends! Together!

Epic photo ops! Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

For all you fiction-lovers out there (like me!), you get the chance to play a role for an evening. Possibly someone very, very different than your usual self. ;) (That's my godmother and one of my high school friends above.)

What else is that dummy in your basement good for other than serving as the dead body and scaring your friends? (You mean you don't have one of these lying around?)

You can learn more about the parties pictured above in the following posts: On the Verge of a Mystery, A New Beginning, & And the Murderer Was...

I currently have two unused party kits - Pasta, Passion, & Pistols and Diamonds Are For Eva. While my friends and I have had a lot of fun with the games from the former's line, I'm really excited to try out a Mysteries by Vincent game! For one, having chatted with Cindy and edited/read her latest Cat Detective Caper book, I imagine her games are a little more...*ahem*...clean than the others. A little less awkward content will be nice! Plus, the 1960s, elegant, bejeweled, Frank-Sinatra theme sounds like it will be super fun to dress up and decorate for. It's been a while since I've hosted a murder mystery party, and I'm eager to try another one soon!

So how about you? Want to host a Diamonds Are For Eva or Lies, Spies and Allies murder mystery party - maybe for New Year's Eve? Entries are currently low for the Pinterest contests, so chances are high for winning your very own party kit! Remember that you can find all the rules on the blog tour page. And don't let the fine print intimidate you. I have to articulate things to avoid confusion and potentially frustrated entrants, but these contests are really super easy to enter - and fun! Hope to hear from you via e-mail soon!


  1. Okay, I've never done a murder mystery party but they sound fun.

    We have feral cats because we live across the street from a park. They love to sit on the lawn in front of the big window in the living room and preen esp. when they know our dog is sitting inside and looking out and going crazy. LOL

    My favorite Christmas tradition is to sit in front of the tree Christmas eve with the family and read the Christmas story.

  2. Thanks, Amber! You might say I'm on a bit of a mission with my murder mystery party game business. My main goal is to provide games that make it extremely easy for people to entertain at home, and make it simple for people to socialize. My games are more silly and funny, rather than true crime or blood and guts. Most of them are historical, so they truly do take you out of your own world for an evening and put you into another setting. It's surprising how people feel at the end of one of these parties -- they often feel a connection to each other, when they may not even remember each others real names. And, in this impersonal world of cell phones, iPads and laptaps, that's what I'm really after -- setting up a comfortable social setting where people can connect with each other. In person!

    Like you said, through this blog tour, we're giving people a chance to win three copies of two of my best-selling titles. Lies, Spies and Allies is set in the 1940s, and Diamond are for Eva -- kind of a Pink Panther spoof -- is set in the Jackie Kennedy/Camelot era of the early 1960s. Both games are a lot of fun!

  3. Sandra,

    Depending on the group, they can be really fun! :) Here's hoping you get the chance to host one soon!

    Oh cats... They do love to taunt, don't they? ;)

    And that's such a special tradition! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on all these topics - and for following this tour so faithfully! :)


  4. Cindy,

    I love it! I've had great experiences with murder mystery parties so far, and I'm super excited to give "Diamonds Are For Eva" a try! You have such an awesome thing going with your books and business. :) Thanks for taking the time to share your mission and a little more about the games with us!


  5. I have never done murder mysteries, but sound like it would be fun.
    What I love about cats is their total devotion to their owners.
    thank you

  6. Jackie,

    They are a lot of fun! If you get the chance to host/attend one, I hope you'll agree. :)

    And that's a great thought about cats! Usually, dogs are considered the loyal and devoted ones. But even though cats behave differently, their affection and devotion is often evident, right? :)

    Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in the giveaway!


  7. Thank you for the generous contest! I love cats for their affection and amusing antics. I wish they'd stay kittens forever.

    Merry Christmas, everyone! One of my favorite traditions is putting up the Christmas tree and setting up a Lego Christmas Tree Resort therein. :)

  8. Ooooh . . . Hannah, do you have pictures of the Lego Christmas Tree Resort? That sounds like so much fun!

  9. Yay! Glad I could join the book party. :-) With me, anything with cats is a sure thing.

    What do I like most about cats? Since I have one curled in my lap at the moment, I will say the cuddles and the purrs. I might have another favorite tomorrow, however. I enjoy conversing with my Siamese, Myles, who always has the last word ("Mrow"). And Monte gives great acupuncture massages. And Mimi loves to play fetch or soccer with toy mice. Yep, cats are great. :-)

  10. Holy Catnip! As the only cat here tonight, I just want to say that us cats get a bad rap when it comes to loyalty! Bogey and I couldn't be more loyal to our humans. We're right there at the door when they walk in. And whenever they have a bad day, we're always there to give hugs and wet nose kisses. Plus, we know exactly how to keep them entertained. (Yes, we're absolute experts when it comes to being cute!) Let me tell you, taking care of humans is a lot of work, but we're up for the job!

  11. Hannah,

    I so agree about cats, even if some show their affection differently! :) And kittens are so adorable. ♥

    A Lego Christmas tree resort?? This sounds epic! I'm with Cindy - do share pics, if you can!

    Merry Christmas to you, as well!


  12. Jill,

    We're glad you could join, too! Do feel free to check out the rest of the tour - links on the blog tour page. :)

    Love hearing all the little things you enjoy about your cats! Mr. Murphy does the deep "mrow" thing, too, whereas Muffin Man mostly talks when it's mealtime (and he sounds like a pathetic little kitten even though he's 7, I believe, LOL). Cats are indeed great!


  13. Buckley,

    Aww, true, true! Cats sometimes show their loyalty in different ways than dogs, but you guys are great, and we humans love you! :) (Although there seems to be some confusion as to who owns who, haha...)


  14. Since there are several of us on here who are clients of Amber, what do you say we form a group, something like, "Amber's Heavenly Authors" or AHA, or something. We could meet up somewhere -- maybe at a book festival or some kind of show -- and sell books together! What do you think? Just a thought . . .

  15. I've been to one murder mystery party, and it was great fun. Hosting one at my house is on my bucket list.

  16. Cindy,

    Hahaha, I love it! AHA...very fitting. ;) If it ever works out, I'd certainly love to meet my awesome clients in person!


  17. Pam,

    Aren't they fun? I really enjoy hosting them, and I hope you get the chance to do so soon, too! :)

    We actually have 2 Pinterest contests going on that include murder mystery party games as prizes (details HERE)! And if you wanted to buy one, Cindy's got a fabulous selection on her business website, Mysteries by Vincent. :)


  18. I have never hosted a murder mystery party. What a great idea.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  19. Melanie,

    It's really fun, and I think it's so cool that Cindy puts kits together for her business! If you'd like a chance to win one, be sure to check out the Pinterest contests (details on the blog tour page). :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  20. I have attended a murder mystery party. I didnt figure out who did it.
    marypopmom (at)yahoo (dot) com

  21. Merry,

    How fun that you've attended one! And it's fun when the game is good enough that you can't figure it out. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and joining the convo!



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