
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reading Cram Read-a-thon Day 9: Song Challenge

I finally finished my 3rd book for the read-a-thon last night - I'm going to have to pick up the pace this week! Be looking for my review of A Noble Groom tomorrow, and hopefully several more reviews later this week.

Today's read-a-thon challenge is to pick a book read in 2013 and match it with a song. I recently bought the album Babel by Mumford & Sons, so I've been listening to those songs a lot lately as I've been editing and I decided to match one of them to a book:

The Memory Game was one of those Kindle books I purchased on a whim this year (there were a lot of those, LOL), and I read it a couple of days before Halloween. It's one I couldn't recommend to all of my readers, mostly due to the language (which is unfortunate). However, the story really intrigued and surprised me, about a teen ghost who is left wandering his English hometown, unable to communicate with anyone except the girl he bullied. It's really a tragic and haunting read, but at the same time, there's something about the boy's growing understanding, the unique love story, the struggle to help when feeling helpless, and the fight for life that engrossed me. And the ending? Yeah, it's crazy! If you're willing to overlook the language, it's a thought-provoking and emotional read.

For a cleaner and sweeter YA ghost story that still offers some great food for thought, I also highly recommend Haunting Joy by my cover designer and friend, Lena Goldfinch.

And for more music-to-book matching, I'd love for you to check out my "soundtracks" for Bleeding Heart and Forget Me Not! (You can find the YouTube videos for the songs on my Pinterest boards HERE and HERE, respectively.)

Happy reading and listening!

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