
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Launch of the Love's Refuge Blog Tour!
If winter blues are starting to set in and you're looking for a refreshing escape from the upcoming holiday rush, Sandra Leesmith's latest release offers a unique island vacation for fans of inspirational contemporary romance (with a dash of suspense)! Love's Refuge is set on a fictional island (based on a real one) in the Puget Sound region of Washington state, and it features another hero and heroine struggling to come to terms with their pasts in order to embrace a fearless future. The Kindle version is available now, and a paperback version is coming soon!

My last project with Sandra involved reworking and republishing a book that had first been published in the '80s (Love's Miracles). But Love's Refuge is a brand-new story that I had the pleasure of editing. (Blogging friend Rachelle Rea also proofread it.) And now I have the pleasure of sharing it with you - with the help of some awesome bloggers - via this blog tour!


Sunday, November 17th
Monday, November 18th
Tuesday, November 19th
Wednesday, November 20th
Thursday, November 21st
Friday, November 22nd
Saturday, November 23rd
Sunday, November 24th
Monday, November 25th
Tuesday, November 26th
Wednesday, November 27th
Thursday, November 28th
  • NO POSTS (Thanksgiving Day)
Friday, November 29th
Saturday, November 30th
To grab the blog button and find info about the author, a link to purchase the book, and more book news, be sure to check out the blog tour page


To celebrate the release of her latest novel, Sandra is giving away a basic Kindle loaded with her e-books - the perfect prize for someone looking for a "vacation"! (Just think of all the books you can store on that device! And you'll already have a handful of great, clean romances waiting to be read.) This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only. You can enter via the form below (or on any of the participating blogs that include the form):
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You can learn more about the prize HERE. (And you can learn more about Sandra's romance novels HERE.) This is actually the Kindle device I have, and it's so handy! 

In addition to this tour-wide giveaway, several participating blogs will be hosting separate book giveaways - so be sure to check out each stop along the way, enjoy the reviews and interviews, and don't miss out on any of the fun!


  1. Hi Amber, I am so excited to start the blog tour for LOVE"S REFUGE. This will be so much fun. Thank you for organizing this and for all of your support.

  2. Amber, thank you for review of Sandra's book. The cover is so well done! The couple pictured look so in love,
    Thanks for introducing this book and author. I am looking forward to reading her books.
    Thank you

  3. Sandra, great cover and such a good review of your book. It's set in the area I used to live. My way of de-stressing was to drive to Anacortes and catch the ferry to Orcas Island-spend the day there and at Roche Harbor and take the last ferry back to the mainland. I know there's magic in watching the sun set back on the island. Roz

  4. Looking forward to seeing what others think of Sandra's book! I enjoyed it ;)

  5. Super exciting!!! Congratulations! :D

  6. Sandra,

    I'm glad you're excited! It should be a lot of fun with all these reviews and your awesome giveaway. :) Happy to have you for a client! *Hugs*


  7. Jackie,

    So glad to hear you like the cover! Lena Goldfinch is a wonderful cover designer, and I really like how she placed/tweaked this couple - they really do fit so well. :)

    And Sandra is a great author - glad I could introduce you to her work!


  8. Roz,

    How neat that you used to live in that area! The Pacific Northwest is such a beautiful part of the world. :) Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and for stopping by!


  9. Julie,

    Me, too! We have a good number of reviews happening this time. :) So glad to hear you enjoyed it! I think Sandra did a wonderful job with the story and the edits!


  10. Anna,

    Glad you think so! :) Thanks for participating in the excitement!


  11. I love the cover! It's so sweet and lovely. The young lady is beautiful. To me, the young couple seem so in love.
    Barbara Thompson

  12. Barbara,

    I agree! Lena Goldfinch puts together such lovely cover designs. :) And I think she did a great job in setting the tone and portraying the characters for this cover!

    Thanks for checking out the intro to the tour!


  13. Hi Jackie, Amber did do a great job with the review. She also made the book so much better with her wonderful editing. I think editors are so important. They can step back and see the whole picture.

  14. Hi Roz, I didn't know you lived in the Pacific Northwest--a big difference from the desert we now live in-smile
    I think Skye's island will bring back lots of memories.

  15. Hi Julie, I'm looking forward to my day with you. smile

  16. Hi Barbara, I am so grateful for Lena Goldfinch, the artist who designed the cover. Isn't it wonderful? I really love it also.

  17. Thanks Amber, for all your good work and Sandra for writing another winner.

    Excited to read this, and I will soon!

    All the best on tour. I look forward to finding more wonderful blogs!

  18. Sandra,

    Thank you for the kind words! I'm proud to be your current editor. :)

    Appreciate you taking the time to respond to everyone here!


  19. KC,

    It's definitely another winner! Hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it. :)

    It's my pleasure to put this together - thank you for your encouraging words and for checking out the tour!


  20. Sandra's new book sounds like another one I will enjoy. Just bought my copy today! I love the Puget Sound area. And this cover is fantastic! Blessings!

  21. Sherida,

    I think you will! :) Thanks for purchasing a copy - I know that means a lot to an author! And glad you like the cover, too. Lena is such a wonderful designer!


  22. Sadie,

    Awesome! Glad to hear it. :)


  23. Hey Sandra!
    This novel sounds like the best getaway from holiday stress. I think everyone could use one. :)

  24. Anonymous,

    True! And Sandra's stories do provide intriguing getaways. :)

    Could you share the name you entered with on the Rafflecopter form? I just need to be able to verify the entries. Thanks! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!