
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Come on Down! (Or at least sit in the audience...)

So my plan today was to remind you all that my mom and I were going to be on an episode of The Price is Right tomorrow... But after I checked The Price is Right Facebook page, I discovered that the episode we were in (which was filmed in August) aired on Tuesday, the 19th! They had told us the 22nd, but I guess those dates they give aren't always set in stone. (Bummer!)

Even though that means our plans of picking up some sort of chocolate dessert and watching the episode on TV tomorrow have gone by the wayside, all is not lost! At least for now, they do have the full episode online:

And chocolate can always be enjoyed, whether you're watching an episode online or on TV, right?

Now, we haven't watched the episode all the way through yet, so here's hoping there's not something embarrassing that we didn't realize they had filmed, LOL. And to be honest, I have no idea if any of you will be able to pick us out of the crowd, as we never got called down. But if you want to play "Where's Waldo?" - Amber & Brenda style! - feel free to check out the link above. The picture at the top of this post shows the shirts we were wearing, and we were a few rows back on the right side (when you're facing the audience). There was someone who got called down right in front of us, so I know for sure you can catch a glimpse of us then. And the winners sat a couple of rows in front of us, so maybe we have a little more screen time. It's a pretty exciting episode (with an especially awesome win!), so I hope you enjoy it regardless!

As for the shirts (in case you were wondering), my mom designed them herself! They read:

Not responsible for what I say or do...

...I'm under the spell of George and Drew!

(If you're not familiar with the show, George is the announcer and Drew Carey is the current host.)

Isn't that clever? My mom is awesome! And she wanted to give everyone a warning in case we did get called down and then completely spaced on everything we knew about prices and speaking in front of people while being filmed. ;)

Have you ever had the chance to "come on down" for this game show or another? Or which show would you like to participate in if you could? 

Hope you all have a great, chocolate-filled weekend!


  1. Looks like you had fun anyway, even though you never got the chance to 'come on down'. And you have the shirts to prove it! (: Clever mom!

  2. How fun!! I just watched the episode and saw you :D so cool!

    Love the shirts, your mom is awesome! :)

  3. So much fun! There is a "traveling" version of the show that goes around the country. A friend and I went earlier this year and it was so fun! We didn't get called down, but it was a blast!

    Glad you and your mom got to go to the REAL show! I know you had fun!

  4. How fun! I watched part of the show yesterday, but didn't find y'all. I'm determined to finish watching it soon, and see if I can't pick you out of the crowd. :)

    Your mom did such an awesome job on the shirts!!

  5. Linda,

    We did - although I have to say the waiting and the long bathroom line and whatnot weren't the greatest, LOL. But I brought a book, so... ;) It was just cool to have that experience, and to share it with my mom (who is indeed very clever)!


  6. Crystal,

    That's awesome - thank you for taking the time to search for me! ;D My mom and I are like Meg Ryan in the movie IQ: "It's me!" (in a squeaky, embarrassed, & excited voice). LOL

    My mom is indeed wonderful! The T-shirts actually looked pretty good on camera, we thought, for the few moments you could see us. ;)


  7. Brooke,

    How fun! It is pretty exciting just taking in the atmosphere and everyone else's enthusiasm, right? :) And the best part is sharing the moment with friends and/or family!


  8. Bluerose,

    Aww, thanks for taking the time to watch the episode and search for us! Yeah, we don't have a ton of screen time... ;) There are a few times where you can see us pretty well, but they didn't focus on our side of the audience much. But I believe it's the 6th person or so to be called down that was sitting right in front of us, so you can see us then. :)

    Let me know if you can find us, LOL!

    And thanks! I'm sure my mom will appreciate all these compliments. She's great at things like this and at taking the time to make special memories for/with us. :)


  9. Oh SO cool!
    I hope we can find you in the crowd. You let us know if you do with a screen shot or something.

    Your mom is SO cute btw.
    How old is she?
    She looks so young!

  10. Juju,

    Thank you! That would be cool if I could get a good screen shot... My mom and I did see ourselves a few times, more toward the earlier half of the episode, I think. :) It's kind of a bummer watching online, though, with the gazillion commercials, the stops and starts, and the sometimes pixelated/grainy quality... *sigh* Oh, well!

    My mom appreciates the compliment. :) She's 49 - can you believe it? I might take after my dad more in terms of height, face shape, etc., but since I do look rather young, I think I'll appreciate having that gene from my mom when I'm older. ;)


  11. Y'all are TOO CUTE!
    Know you had fun anyway... Good memories with your Mom! :)

  12. KC (and May!),

    Aww, thank you! ;)

    I'm not sure yet if I'd want to do it again (lots of waiting and whatnot)...but yes, we made some good memories! I'm blessed to have such a wonderful mother. ♥



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