
Monday, July 22, 2013

Launch of the Songstone Blog Tour!!!

I'm thrilled to announce the beginning of the Songstone blog tour! Lena Goldfinch has become a dear friend, in addition to being my awesome cover designer and a number of other amazing things. I love her books, and Songstone is my favorite so far, so you can imagine how excited I am that some wonderful bloggers are helping us to spread the word!

Here's the lowdown about this sweet summer tour...


Monday, July 22nd
Tuesday, July 23rd
Wednesday, July 24th
Thursday, July 25th
Friday, July 26th
Saturday, July 27th
Sunday, July 28th
Monday, July 29th
Tuesday, July 30th
Wednesday, July 31st
Thursday, August 1st
Friday, August 2nd
To view this schedule at any time, grab some blog buttons, etc., be sure to visit the blog tour page!


Lena is offering one main summer-themed giveaway, which you can enter at any of the stops along the tour via the Rafflecopter form. (Or even here, if you'd like!) The giveaway is open internationally, although the type of gift card you win is dependent on where you live (Dairy Queen for U.S. residents, Amazon for all other countries).
a Rafflecopter giveaway

While the gift cards are rather self-explanatory (yay frozen treats or summer shopping!), here's a little more info about the other two prizes:


"Kita can meld song into stone. In a world with no written word, storytelling—the ability to meld (or magically impress) song into stone—is greatly honored. The village honors her master as their medicine man, but Kita knows he's secretly a sorcerer who practices black magic using drops of her blood. She fears he’ll use her beautiful gift for a killing spell, so she conceals it from him. Each day, his magic tightens around her neck like a rope. His spells blind the villagers, so they can’t see him for what he really is.

 Not that anyone would want to help her. She was found in the forest as a baby and would have died if a village girl hadn't brought her home. But the villagers saw Kita's unusual coloring and decided she belonged to the mysterious tribe who lives in the forests of the volcano, a people feared for their mystical powers. So they fear her too. Now seventeen, she can barely admit her deepest longing: to know who she really is and where she belongs.

Then Pono, a young journeyman, arrives from the other side of the island. He's come to fulfill a pact between their villages: to escort a storyteller back to his village--a storyteller who'll be chosen at the great assembly. Finally, in Pono, Kita sees her one slim chance at freedom and she'll risk her life to take it.

A dark, twisty tale of sorcery, tummy-tingling romance, and adventure, inspired by the folklore of New Zealand's Māori people."

Add the book on Goodreads. Purchase at

Sea Glass Necklace

 Designed by The Studio of Glass.

Extra Giveaways

In addition to the Rafflecopter giveaway, be on the lookout for additional e-book giveaways at a couple of the blog tour stops! 


So there you have it! Enjoy the reviews, interviews, and giveaways, and pick up a copy of Songstone for your summer reading pleasure! *grin* Then come back here on August 2nd for the conclusion of the tour and the Rafflecopter winner announcement. 

If you have any questions about the tour, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or e-mail me at


  1. This one sounds good! and I love the cover... Thanks for the giveaway! ^.^

  2. It's all right for bloggers to join in the giveaway fun, right? My favourite summer activity is lounging in my basement out of the heat and reading, writing, and playing/watching my sister play Skyrim. ;P

  3. Joni,

    It really is - at least in my opinion! ;) And isn't the cover so eye-catching?? Lena designed it herself! She's so talented. :D

    Good luck in the giveaway!


  4. Rebeka,

    Of course! Everyone's welcome. :)

    LOL, love your favorite summer activities! I'm there with you on reading and writing, but my mom and I are Mario fans when it comes to game stuff. ;)


  5. I left my comment of your 'Harvest of Rubies' Review
    Thank you for the giveaway

  6. LAWonder,

    Thank you for the comment on my review, and thanks for entering the giveaway! Good luck! :)


  7. Oh, and LAWonder,

    Be sure to enter via the Rafflecopter form in order to have your entries counted for the giveaway! Let me know if you have any questions about how to enter or anything. )



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!