
Friday, July 26, 2013

Conclusion of May the K9 Spy's Blog Tour!

You want to know the coolest thing about this particular blog tour's conclusion post? While the tour itself might be over, the fun is not! Here are 2 reasons to stay excited:

1. May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris - the exciting sequel to May's first book - is still FREE for Kindle!!! (Regularly $3.99) If you haven't downloaded it yet, be sure to snatch it up between now and Saturday night! (And if you missed the first book, it's only $2.99 for Kindle!) We'd love your help in spreading the word so little May can climb the big Amazon charts. ♥

2. May's two drawings - "reviewers rewards" and the scavenger hunt - are open for entries through Monday, July 29th! Details HERE (and below)!

Scavenger Hunt

Did you catch all 11 of the red letters in the blog tour posts (including the introduction post)? You have the weekend to sleuth for the letters, unscramble the code word (hint: May loves it and uses it often in a special phrase!), and enter your guess for a chance to win a PAWsome bookmark and a gift card!

Doesn't that bookmark look sweet?? Check out Blog Tour HQ for links to the blog tour posts (where the red letters were hidden), the rules for the drawing, and the form to enter your response.

The winner (drawn randomly from correct entries) will be announced on May's Facebook page on Wednesday, July 31st, so be sure to swing by there then!

Lucky 7 Rewards for Reviewers

Did you pick up free copies of books 1 and 2 in May's series? Did you receive review copies in order to share your review during the blog tour? Did you purchase one or both of May's e-books? If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, this drawing is for you!

You still have through the weekend (through Monday, actually!) to finish reading the book(s) and share your review(s) on Amazon! (Link to book 1: May on the Way; Link to book 2: May Finds a Way) All you have to do is e-mail me the link(s) to your honest review(s) (at to be entered to win one of these super cool prizes:
  • May the K9 Spy set with hardcover copies of the books, plush toys, and pet treats from Joshua's Pet Treat Bakery (pictured above)
  • Autographed copy of May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino when it releases 
  • $25 Cheesecake factory gift card
  • A character named after you in book 3
More details about the prizes and rules can be found at Blog Tour HQ!


Despite the fact that the drawings are still open for entries and the last freebie promotion is still going on, it is time to wrap up the actual blog tour. (Blog Tour HQ will be up through Wednesday, though, so you can revisit links and keep up on the winner news there!) A blog tour is a community event, and I wish to thank the following people...
  • All of the participating bloggers: Sherida, Rebeka, Diane, Roseanna, Virginia, Meagan, Serena (and Ellerie!), Cindy, Kav, and Tammy. (If you missed any of their posts, do be sure to check out these links!) This was a rather complicated blog tour because of the scavenger hunt and all of the book news, so we greatly appreciate your time, your effort, and your willingness to be a part of this. There would have been no blog tour without you, so thank you for everything!
  • All those who downloaded books 1 and 2 doing their freebie promotion periods on Amazon. And to those who wrote reviews, an extra big "thank you" (and I'm sure lots of tail wagging from May)! 
  • KC. Thank you for the privilege of working with you to get May's stories out to the masses. I hope you and May had fun with the tour! Thank you for all of your encouragement, and for getting me to learn new things, like how to put together a newsletter. *wink* You challenged me and yet remained patient with me, and it's been a pretty "pawsome" experience!
Bonus Review

Here's a description of the book:

"An enterprising escape, a perilous mission...

After going astray during K9 Spy boot camp, May tries to find a way to the American Embassy in Paris.

Join her and Léonce, a feral cat, as they sniff out an evil plot leading from Benjamin Franklin's park through the historic Passy Cemetery to The Pantheon...including a journey under the city!"

My Review

May really does find her way in book 2 of the "May the K9 Spy" series - a story that resonated with me even more than book 1 and improved on May's voice and her adventures! Once the action pulled me in, I enjoyed getting caught up in the suspense and the intriguing look at Paris. The descriptions of the city add to the drama of a dog trying to save the day and embrace her purpose, as well as a boy trying to do the right thing and a cat trying to help where he can. The characters are intriguing, and I must admit that Léonce made the book all the better for me... What can I say? I'm a cat-lover, and Léonce reminds me of why that is so - 'cause cats are pretty great. *wink*

There was a bit of a disconnect for me toward the end of the book, when something rather major happens but isn't really properly addressed until a couple of scenes later, at the very end. (I guess I didn't quite understand why May wasn't more upset and more eager for answers.) Overall, though, I had great fun joining May on this journey, and I'm impressed with this sequel - the story, the characters, and another batch of great illustrations to go with them. Bring on book 3!


  1. Miss Amber.

    You are the pawsomest!

    Thank you for helping me trot all over the Internet. Your road map was superb. You're definitely a candidate for the K9 Spy Service!

    Mom and I have had a ball (BALL? WHERE?) being with your and your FURiends. Thank you so much for the lovely review too! ("") ("") That's 2 paws up!

    Now... We can't WAIT to find out who the winners are. We're at the ready with the prizes, especially we're excited to find out the character's name in my new book due out this fall, May Leads the Way: Trouble Near Tofino.

    Excited to know about YOUR release due out any MOMENT. Let us know when it's ready, 'kay?

    Signing off for now but I'll check back in a bit later...

    love, May the K9 Spy

  2. Aww, May!

    No - that would be you! ;D

    But seriously, it was my pleasure, and I'm so honored you and your mom would choose me to help you navigate the crazy blogosphere. :) I can't wait to find out who the winners are, too!

    And thank you so much for the sweet S/O about Bleeding Heart! You've already got my e-mail, but here's the link again because I'm so stoked (LOL):

    Bleeding Heart

    Hope your mom enjoys it, Miss May! :)


  3. Great blog tour Amber and May. Sorry I'm late, but I am enjoying all you did.

  4. Sandra,

    Thanks so much! That was so sweet of you to visit all the participating blogs and leave comments. :) Glad you enjoyed the tour!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!