
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dragonwitch Winner and Upcoming Events!

I had the pleasure of hosting Anne Elisabeth Stengl last week for the release day blog tour for Dragonwitch. (If you missed the interview, you can read it HERE!) Anne was generous enough to do an extra giveaway on my blog, and the winner of a copy of Dragonwitch is...


Congratulations, Christa! I sent you an e-mail, so be sure to check your inbox!

If you have yet to grab your copy of Anne's latest, you can purchase it HERE. My review copy arrived this past week, so I should hopefully be reading it and sharing my thoughts here soon!

In the meantime, here are some of the other goings-on...
  • May the K9 Spy's blog tour is in full swing! We're halfway through, with a stop at The Curried Nut today. While the first book has completed its freebie promotion period, you'll be able to pick up book 2 for FREE next week (the 23rd through the 27th), so don't miss it! And be sure to follow the tour by visiting Blog Tour HQ. Seven letters have been revealed so far for the scavenger hunt - have you found them all? The tour concludes on Friday, with winners announced on May's Facebook page the following Wednesday (so everyone has time to get their entries in!).
  • The Songstone blog tour begins tomorrow! Lots of exciting stops along the way, so be sure to follow along via the blog tour page. It's an island-themed tour with a sweet summer giveaway you won't want to miss! AND, the Kindle version is currently $.99 as part of a pre-release promotion, so grab your copy before the tour kicks off!
  • Be on the lookout for other book news as I work through some review copies on my TBR pile and finish proofreading Bleeding Heart, which is due to release in less than 2 weeks! Eeep!! 
Have a wonderful Sunday, and see you in the blogosphere!


  1. Congrats Christa! Enjoy your gift.

  2. Miranda,

    Thank you for stopping by and congratulating the winner! :) Hope you're having a great weekend!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!