
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bleeding Heart - Now Available!

Want to hear a not-so-secret secret? My debut novel is available now in Kindle format on Amazon! The blog button still says August, and that's when the official release excitement will occur, but you don't have to wait until then to pick up a copy. *big grin*

It is with much joy (and more than a little relief, LOL) that I present you with this link:

I'm so grateful to all of you for sharing this journey to publication with me! I hope you are blessed by this story - and I hope it makes you want to learn more about some of the characters, because I'm thinking that this won't be the last you'll hear from some of them, Lord willing! But more on that in the weeks and months to come...

In the meantime, if you'd be willing to help me out, I'd love for you to check out a few links!
  • Here's the book's Amazon link again: Bleeding Heart. Of course, you know I'd be honored if you'd like to purchase the book, borrow it via Amazon Prime, or try out a sample! But it would also be a big help if you could share the link with others! There are some buttons on the right underneath the "Free Kindle Reading App" box where you can share the link via e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. And if you received a review copy, if you'd be willing to share your review there whenever you have it ready, that would be wonderful!
  • I also have an Author Central page on Amazon now: Amber Stokes. There's a button in the upper right where you can "Like" the page, which would be super cool if you did! *wink*
  • And, of course, you can find other links and info on the Bleeding Heart site. I'll keep that page updated with promo info, and I'm sure you'll hear about it here, too, LOL! The blog tour is coming up soon, and there will be some additional posts before then (including an interview next Wednesday on Melissa Tagg's blog, and a guest post I'm sharing in conjunction with Sandra Leesmith regarding book promotion on the "Seekerville" blog, mentioned in the latest Weekend Edition).
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! We'll hopefully be leaving on vacation next Thursday, so I guess I have a lot to do before then... A writer's/publicist's/editor's/blogger's/book reviewer's work is never done, right? You got to love the crazy book-biz world! And you all know that we really do. ♥


  1. Congrats again, Amber!!! :D Hope you enjoy this crazy, exciting time! :)

  2. Congratulations, Amber! I'm so happy for you! I don't have a Kindle, so will have to wait till I can get my hands on a tree-book to read your story.

  3. Congratulations, Amber! What a wonderful dream come true!

  4. Rebeka,

    You have been such a dear supporter during this time - thank you!!

    Just got to try to find the right balance/perspective between keeping up with book promotion and just letting go, trusting that God is in control of it all and He can put the book in the right hands. :)


  5. Linda,

    You are so sweet - thank you for sharing in my joy! I hope the paperback won't be too long in coming... You can bet I'll keep you all posted! :)


  6. Hannah,

    Thank you so much! It really is - now I need to just relish in the moment and not let the details keep me from being grateful for this opportunity. :)


  7. Juju,

    Thank you, my friend! :) ((Hugs))


  8. Brilliant! This is wonderful, Amber. So happy for you and proud of you for sticking with this project even when you were exhausted. :)

    Take time to enjoy this - don't let us (your fans) talk you into book 2 so quickly. Writing a book is a lot of hard work and you deserve to enjoy the success of Bleeding Heart. :)

  9. Woohoo!! So thrilled for you, Amber! (As if you didn't know, huh? I've only tweeted you about a hundred times or so. ;) This is so great! Cannot wait to read it. Planning to do that this weekend as I head out on my trip home. :D

  10. Rissi,

    Aww, my friend, thank you for the kind words! I appreciate you all putting up with me when I was being whiny and expressing my frustration! I guess my break will be yours, too, LOL. ;)

    And that is so sweet!! It's funny... I feel a lot of pressure, myself, to get other projects going - to not "fade away" once the BH excitement dies down. But each project is a blessing, and you're right that I shouldn't lose sight of the joy of this time because I'm eager to grab hold of the future. Thank you for reminding me to have a proper perspective and to slow down and embrace this time. :) *Hugs*


  11. Oh, Kara!

    Your support on Twitter (and just in general!) has meant so much to me! Each tweet is a gift - as is your enthusiasm. :) Thank you for caring about me and this book!

    I hope you have a safe trip, and I hope BH proves to be a kind companion on your journey!


  12. I am so excited for you Amber. Bleeding Hearts sounds like a super book to read. Looking forward to sharing your publicity strategy on Seekerville. smile

  13. Aww, Sandra!

    I so appreciate your support and kind words! :) And I'm excited to share on Seekerville, too! Thanks for inviting me back. :)


  14. Done! Excited to read it when I get back to the states!

  15. Jamie,

    Aww, yay!! Thank you so much - I hope you enjoy it! Have a safe trip. :)



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