
Monday, June 17, 2013

Gone Editing

I've got two editing projects I need to get done by early next week (Bleeding Heart, and proofreading a manuscript for a client), along with some publicity projects for clients/friends. So...if I seem scarce, now you know that I'm just immersed in cool projects. ;)

Hopefully I'll have some more book reviews for you soon! And July should be a really exciting month - review e-copies of BH to send out (!!!), and several super fun blog tours (a couple of which I'm setting up)!

If you'd like to be on the blog tour for...
  • my upcoming historical romance release Bleeding Heart,
  • an amazing YA (young adult) fantasy romance,
  • or two sweet and fun MG (middle grade) dog stories
...then please e-mail me at I'd love to have your help with any of these projects!

Talk to you all in a bit!


  1. August is not far off, so I suppose it is best you work on your debut novel. Happy editing!


  2. Thank you, all! :)

    And yeah...August is coming up incredibly fast, so I need to get BH to my proofreader ASAP! :)


  3. Best wishes Amber. You'll get it done. I have faith in your determination and talent.

  4. Proud of you, Amber! I know you'll get this done with wonderful results. :)

  5. Aww, thank you, Sandra and Rissi, for the encouragement! Appreciate you both!

    So far I'm keeping up fairly well with my clients' projects, maybe... ;) But I'm falling a bit behind on BH edits. :( Hope I can pick up the pace!



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