
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Coming Up For Air - To Share!

Hello, all! I've still got a bit of editing left to do on Bleeding Heart before I send it to my proofreader. (Dare I hope I can send it this evening? Still aiming for that goal!) So I've been keeping busy with that and with my freelance editing business - updating my website, preparing a newsletter, sending out blog tour invitations, completing a proofreading project, keeping up with e-mails, etc. Unfortunately, I haven't had much reading time, so no new reviews to share with you yet...but I'm hoping to squeeze in some reading during a trip this week, so we shall see!

In the meantime, I had to come back to the blog to share some cool links with you!

One of my clients, Sandra Leesmith, posted an interview today on the "Seekerville" blog with Lena Goldfinch, my cover designer (and hers)! If you'd like to learn more from a designer's perspective, click on the link below:

AND! Lena now has a name for her business: STONE LILY Publishing & Design Services! I highly recommend her services for both formatting and cover design. She is talented and absolutely delightful to work with. Not only did she give me a beautiful book cover that fits the tone of my book perfectly, but she will also be doing the print formatting and print cover for Bleeding Heart! Exciting stuff!!

Do check out Lena's prices and portfolios:

Hope you all are having a marvelous week so far! I've been overwhelmed a bit (!) lately, but everyone has been so patient and encouraging (shout out to my Twitter friends - you all rock!), and after the stress of Sunday I was blessed with a super sweet Monday. So grateful for God's tender mercies!


  1. Knew you could do this, Amber! Proud of you for making it happen even through all the stress, fear and tears. Now, the fun part is almost here.

    Congrats on a job well done! After this, make sure to enjoy some time doing something relaxing - you earned it! :)

  2. Keep up the good work, Amber! Looking forward to your book. :-D


  3. Lena,

    Of course!! Blessed to know you and work with you. :)


  4. Rissi,

    You are so sweet!! (I really can't tell you that too many times!) Thank you for putting up with my tweets about my stress, fear, and tears! And thank you for encouraging me through this time. :)

    I'm heading out on a short trip tomorrow, so I'm thinking I'm going to fit in some reading time... Hoping to read Barefoot Summer now that I have it! :)


  5. Grace,

    Awww, I really appreciate that - thank you for the support and encouragement! :)


  6. Echoing Rissi a bit, but I'm thrilled the "fun" part is almost here! :) I know you will feel a huge weight off your shoulder! I can't wait!!!

  7. Bluerose,

    Thank you, my friend!! I'm so blessed to have friends like you to share these times with. :) Hope this really will be a fun time for you all, too!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!