
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Contentment Reading Challenge 2013: May/June

Well, I apologize that I never posted a May update for the Contentment Reading Challenge 2013! I guess there wasn't much to update on my end, seeing as how I didn't re-read anything in May, LOL. However, I did re-read a book this month (bringing my total up to 4)!

I found Recalled by Cambria Hebert on back at the beginning of March when the Kindle version was $.99. The price was right and the cover intrigued me, so I decided to give it a go...

1) The cover has purple on it! 
2) Isn't the mist so fascinating? 
3) He looks like he's about to disappear, and the girl is holding tight to his hand, looking up at him. Color me intrigued!

So, I dove in and devoured the story. It brought me to tears near the end the first time I read it...and the second time, too! I don't imagine there are a lot of stories that are super fun to read again after only a few months, seeing as how the plot would still be rather fresh in one's mind. Yet, I still found this story engaging, enjoyable to re-visit, and - once again - touching.

I think what made this a great re-read was seeing the beginning, the clever lines (including the definitions given at the start of each chapter), and the character growth while knowing the end result. It was fun re-discovering gems and noting ones I hadn't highlighted before. I really enjoyed re-living the falling-in-love experience, and I think I loved Hobson the butler even more this time around. ♥ There are a few grammatical errors that slipped through the cracks and a handful of swear words, but my absolute love of the story kept those from being an issue for me. The characters don't always make the wisest decisions or say the right things, but I admire the authenticity and how dear the characters became to me.

Recalled is one of my favorite reads of 2013 so far, and I couldn't resist choosing it as a re-read, especially since book 2 in the "Death Escorts" series (Charmed) is releasing soon! In fact, I signed up for the cover reveal towards the end of June, so I'm looking forward to sharing that with you all!

Update (June 17th): I received the e-mail for the cover reveal tour and determined that the cover and content probably wouldn't match with my audience here. But you can check Cambria's site for more info on June 21st, if you're interested!

So tell me, fellow CRC-ers, what have you been re-reading lately? Feel free to link up below!


  1. Ooooooooooo I like this cover. All that mist makes me want to shout, "Watch out batgirl. It's a trap!"

  2. Juju,

    Isn't it eye-catching?? I LOVE it! And yeah, it does seem to suggest that she should watch out (and she should!), but there are some great twists to this story. I really recommend it!!


  3. I saw you post this cover on Pinterest and it immediately caught my eye! I really want to try it now. Great review!

    By the way, this contentment challenge looks like fun. I may have to attempt it. :)

  4. Kara,

    That cover really is hard to overlook - in a good way! :) Glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope you like the book if you choose to read it!

    And by all means, please do join us! You can start at anytime during 2013. :) You can learn more about the challenge and sign up on the challenge's blog page. No pressure, but you're more than welcome to be a part of it! :)


  5. Sounds like a good book, Amber. :)

    I am also going pretty slowly on the challenge, I'm at the beginning of my 3rd book. However, I guess that's about halfway for me.

    Thanks for hosting this challenge!


  6. Rachel,

    I loved it both times! Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was a great paranormal romance. :)

    And you're right on track, as we're about halfway through the year! So glad you joined me in this challenge. :) Thanks for linking up!


  7. Beth,

    Thanks for linking up! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!