
Monday, April 29, 2013

Contentment Reading Challenge 2013: April

Not that this is news to anyone, but I've been buying and requesting (for review) a lot of books lately. Now I just need to find the time to read them, LOL!

Despite all of the new, exciting reads I have to look forward to, it was nice to re-visit such a great story like To Win Her Heart. I love Karen Witemeyer's books, and I actually should be reading her latest (Stealing the Preacher) soon! So this was a good time to pick up one of her earlier releases and get a head start on a double dose of her sweet writing.

I love the juxtaposition of the shorter librarian in a pretty, frilly dress and the tall blacksmith, looking like he just stepped out of the forge. Seriously cute!

To Win Her Heart is full of opposites that all work so wonderfully together: troubled pasts and happy futures, fighting and a fear of violence, difficulties with speech and eloquence in writing, hard labor and pressing flowers, and so on and so forth. It's such a lovely story full of unexpected tenderness and unexpected strength, all topped off with hope and charm. I love the unique quirks of the story, and the main characters are such dears. You can read my review from 2011 HERE.

I enjoyed experiencing the sweetness of this story once again. I read a little bit of it outside on a sunny Sunday, and the experience was all the sweeter for the warmth, the bunny nibbling the grass nearby, the pleasant breeze, and the smell of lilacs and other spring delights. I definitely think that where you read a book can have an impact on your enjoyment of it, at least in the memories you make! Can't wait to dive into Stealing the Preacher soon!

And might I add that the covers of Karen's books are just adorable?? 


So, tell me, fellow CRC-ers, what have you been re-reading lately? Feel free to link up below, and/or leave a comment!


  1. Ms. Witemeyer never fails to make me laugh in her stories! She's a wonderful writer. I love her covers too! They are always so cute. :)

  2. Kara,

    Yes! Her books and their covers are definitely cute! :) I love the blend of humor and sweetness and subtle depth. It's hard to pick a favorite out of her novels! Super excited for Stealing the Preacher! :)


  3. I too love both Karen Witemeyer's writing and the book covers! She is so talented!
    As for my CRC progress, I haven't made any. I've had a decent pile of review books and also a large quantity of other books I have but haven't read. As sad as it is I feel guilty at the thought of taking time to reread when I have so many unread ones but at the same time there are so many that I want to read again! But I'm going to make time for some rereads this summer (hopefully)! I'm glad I signed up for this challenge since now I feel obligated to reread!
    And I just realized the ridiculousness of this comment-but oh well, it is what it is!

  4. Abbi,

    Karen is indeed talented! Always exciting when she has a new book coming out! :)

    And aw, your comment isn't ridiculous! Believe me, I totally understand - I've got tons of books I haven't read yet, and I keep getting more all the time! I should probably have a better system so that I read the ones for review first, in the order that I received them, but I'm kind of bad about that. :P Sometimes I just want to read what I just want to read, LOL!

    Yeah, I kind of need a challenge like this, too, to actually do any re-reading. ;) Hope you get to re-visit some old friends this summer!


  5. I've been doing pretty well with the challenge - already passed the Dive In goal for the year, but then I thought I would.

    I did, however, give in to temptation and bought some new books during April. I haven't read any of them yet, but will do very soon!

  6. Beth,

    Pretty well?? I'd say you've been doing amazingly well, LOL! Way to go! :)

    And new books are always a special treat. :) Happy reading!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!