
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Client's Cover Reveal! ~ Love's Miracles by Sandra Leesmith

So excited this day is finally here!!! I've been having a lot of fun putting together the cover reveal and blog tour for Sandra Leesmith's re-release, Love's Miracles. And it's been a great experience so far overseeing this book's journey to being self-published and shared with a new audience. Can't wait for all that is yet to come!

But first things first! We have a beautiful cover to share with you!

Thoughts on the Cover

I had the pleasure of working with Lena Goldfinch on the cover (I need to clarify that she did all the work - I just helped her brainstorm!), and I'm so pleased with how it turned out!

After reading the book, I knew I wanted a daisy on the cover. Its symbolism and tie-in with the title made it a necessity in my mind (but you'll have to discover the scene that made me feel this way for yourself!). The daisy's connection with the title colors on here is perfect, and the golden-yellow color goes well with the sunshine pouring across the trees in the background.

I'm just in awe of how Lena put the background together! (Let's just say that it's not all one photo - it's a beautiful blend of different images designed to give just the right sense of the book's setting and its atmosphere/isolation.)

As for the couple, my dad pointed out how "imperfect" they are. Not that they aren't lovely people, but they aren't edited to be perfect, you know? My dad noted the mole on the woman's nose and the man's unshaven look. And I think the "imperfections" make the models that much more real. Their expressions are perfect, though, for this story! There's a hint of sweetness, a smile playing about the woman's mouth, that speaks to the romance and the hope. But there's also a seriousness about them both - perhaps a longing for connection, unspoken fears. The nature of this story (about a Vietnam veteran and a psychologist) makes the tone darker than many romances, and so the seriousness depicts that well.

And I think the black at the top helps with that, too. The colors and moods all give hints to the story behind the cover, and I say "bravo!" to Lena for getting so much across in such a simple and yet polished way.

About the Book

Want to know what this book is all about? So glad you asked! Here's the synopsis:

"Dr. Margo Devaull came to Dominic Zanelli's mountain retreat confident that she could help this Vietnam veteran overcome the torment that kept him apart from the world. But her training as a psychologist had not prepared her for the tragic, explosive contradictions brewing inside him. For here was a sensitive artist who could be gentle – and a man whose eyes flashed with violence and pain when he told her to leave and never come back. Yet Margo did come back, slowly gain his trust, and awaken the sleeping needs of his heart. Only by reliving her own wounded past and helping Zane confront a terrible memory from the war could she set them both free – and save their last chance for love."

I've helped Sandra edit/rework this book to be a generally clean romance, although we kept a few swear words, some violence, etc. in the story in order to maintain a sense of realism and to show the hardships military men and woman endure.

Cover Reveal and Blog Tour

I'm so pleased to have a lovely group of bloggers helping Sandra and me to spread the work about this book! Today and tomorrow they'll be sharing their own cover reveal posts, where you can learn more about Sandra and Lena, maybe read a teaser from the book, and read others' thoughts about the cover! You'll find a list of the links and more at the Love's Miracles Blog Tour page here on this blog. Be sure to check in there often in the coming weeks for links and info!

The official blog tour is set for May 20th-31st (to coincide with Memorial Day and the book's release in Kindle format), and there will be reviews, giveaways, interviews, and more! It's going to be a blast! If you'd like to help spread the word, you can take the button below or check out the group of them on the blog tour page. Thank you in advance for your help!

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the cover! What sort of mood/tone does it convey to you? Does it make you want to read the book? (If it does, consider marking it "Want to Read" on Goodreads!)


  1. Thanks Amber for setting up this cover reveal. My first ever. So exciting.

    And I love how you and Lena worked on the elements of the story to come up with the different aspects of the cover.

    Thanks again. It was fun working with you and Lena.

  2. So excited for you, Sandra! Wishing you all the best with your book release! :)

  3. Sandra,

    My pleasure! Exciting times, for sure! :)

    Lena and I had a blast working on the cover! So much fun discussing the various elements. :) I'm currently testing her patience by having her work with me on my cover... ;)


  4. Lena,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing our excitement! You did a splendid job on the cover - we're so pleased with it!! :)


  5. I can hardly wait to see what you and Lena come up with for your book. This is so fun.

  6. Sandra,

    Aww, thank you!! I can hardly wait, too! ;) Lena is a creative genius, and it's tons of fun working with her on this stuff!


  7. Looking good, ladies! I have no doubt you did a great job on the editing side, Amber and the cover is so sweet, Lena. Nicely done.

    Much echo Sandra's thought: cannot wait until it's your turn, Amber. :)

  8. Amber!! Now you've gone and made me so curious about what the meaning behind the daisy is! Definitely have to get to it this weekend. Curiosity is so hard to let stew! Must find out!! ;P

    Okay, disregarding the silliness above, that cover is just so lovely! Y'all did a fabulous job. I really like that the couple aren't perfect. It makes them feel real that way. Besides, they look great together. And I do like the scruffy look, I have to confess.

    This is so much fun!

  9. Rissi,

    Awwww! *blushes and grins* Thanks, dear friend, for both of those sweet compliments!

    As a little teaser, I think Lena and I might have found the model pic we've been looking for to fit the cover of BH! As soon as I saw it pinned on our "secret board" on Pinterest, I loved it. :) So much potential, and so much conveyed in the pic! Seriously excited to see what Lena does with this. :D


  10. Kara,

    LOL! I love symbolism and themes and the like, and so that daisy scene resonated with me. :) I'm so glad you're excited to read the story, and I hope you enjoy it!

    And that's not silliness! That's book bloggers doing what we do best - getting excited about books! :) Anyway, I love reading your thoughts about the cover! I agree that the realism adds a special touch. We found several shots with this couple, including some ones I liked of them looking in the same direction, but I think Lena chose a great one to convey so much. :) (I like the scruffy look, too, LOL!)

    Fun stuff, indeed!! Thanks for sharing our excitement! :)


  11. Hi Rissi, I"m in agreement with you. Amber and I are learning so much about the process. Its been fun.

  12. Hi Kara, I'm thrilled you like the cover. Lena and Amber worked hard on it.

    I love that they included the daisy. Have you found the significance yet?

  13. Sandra, I haven't yet. But I'm determined to find it out! ;)

    Amber, yay for books! And double yay for awesome book bloggers! :D

  14. Hi Amber,
    You did a wonderful job. I'm so impressed. The cover is great. Would it make me want to read the book?

    Definitely. ;) :)

  15. Miranda,

    Aww, thank you! Although the credit all goes to Lena - she was the one who designed the cover. But I had a lot of fun being the go-between and sharing my input/looking up pics. :)

    So glad the cover makes you interested in the story!

    And I saw on your blog that you're gearing up to share your own novel - way to go! :D


  16. Miranda,

    You're very welcome! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!