
Friday, April 26, 2013

Celebrate! (Captives Winner and Other Cheer)

Today is a celebratory day!

I completed an editing project for a client, and the package is all prettified and ready to be sent off this morning. (I'm grateful to my parents for helping me get that big stack of papers ready for shipping! And I'm also grateful to my dear Twitter friends for encouraging me as I faced crunch time!) It does feel very nice to meet a deadline. =) (Makes me feel like I'm back in college, LOL.) And it feels very, very nice to have business! I'm blessed.

Speaking of business and clients, I'm still loving working with Sandra Leesmith! Aaannnd... *drumroll* We have a cover reveal coming up next week! Some of you are already on the cover reveal/blog tour team, but if you're not and you'd like to be, please feel free to e-mail me for more information: I'm so excited to share the cover with everyone! Lena Goldfinch did an amazing job - the cover totally captures the "feel" of this atmospheric, moving romance. So beautiful!

We also have another reason to celebrate today... A winner has been chosen for the Captives giveaway via Rafflecopter and!

Congratulations to...

Megan K.!

I just sent you an e-mail, Megan, so be sure to check your inbox! Happy reading!

(And a big thanks to Zondervan and DJC Communications for providing me with two copies of this book!)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! I'll be singing a good part of the weekend for our spring choir concerts. Good way to celebrate the season, wouldn't you say?


  1. Looking forward to participating in the blog tour for Sandra Leesmith's new book and of course I can't wait for the cover reveal!

  2. Julie,

    I'm excited you're on the blog tour team!! :) I should be sending you the cover reveal info today or tomorrow... So be watching your inbox! :)


  3. Yippee for a new cover reveal. Should be fun. :)

    Congrats to Megan! So exciting.

    Have a nice weekend, Amber. :)

  4. Rissi,

    Oh, I think you'll love it! Lots to talk about on Twitter next week. ;) Lena did an awesome job!

    Thank you again for sharing about the giveaway, by the way! I appreciate all your sweet tweets. :)

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, too!



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