
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Review of Pieces of Me

Here's a description of the book from Goodreads:

"Forget everything you know. Forget your name. Forget any memory of your parents. Forget your own face in the mirror. Then, and only then, can you understand my world.

My name is Braidan, and I'm seventeen years old. I wake every day with no memory of what happened yesterday. No recollection of who I am. Only a series of post-it notes hint at the life I supposedly lead. But no matter how hard I try, I can't dismiss the thought that this isn't my life or my true identity. Notes plastered all over my room and school books tell me to search for answers. But how can I learn the truth when I'll forget everything the moment my mind drifts to sleep?

Ian, the new boy at school, claims he has the key to my walking coma. If what he says is true, I'm far more than just a girl with amnesia... and I've got precious little time to unlock my past.

Pieces of Me depend on it."

My Rating


My Review

Pieces of Me has such an intriguing premise! Just reading that synopsis and taking a look at the cover were enough to make me super excited upon discovering that I won a copy of the book. The story begins with so much mystery: a teenage girl wakes up with no memories of her past, her family and best friend tell her that her panic is normal, and two boys try to get her attention, wanting to help her remember them. But who can be trusted? What if the cycle of forgetfulness continues, and all of her attempts to remember re-set each new day? And what if the things she's forgotten are too dangerous and painful to face, even if she could remember?

Seriously, the beginning of this book is riveting, and I quickly got caught up in wanting to discover the answers to Braidan's difficult questions and awaiting the events that would irrevocably change her life and the lives of those close to her. The sticky-note images in the print version of the book really add to the suspense, especially when Ian gets involved. The whole set-up is very clever!

Even though the plot ends up containing some now-familiar elements in various YA books (the love triangle, some sci-fi drama, various on-the-run scenes, etc.), it held my interest throughout, and there are some surprising twists along the way. From the first scenes at Braidan's house and at high school, it's hard to guess where the story will go - and I think the end result is far from predictable!

I would classify this book as general Young Adult fiction, although there are a couple of references to God and faith. Since faith is included in the story, I wish it involved a little more depth. If Braidan's faith is going to be mentioned, I feel that, even in a fledgling stage, it should be more obvious beyond a couple of quick references. It just felt "thrown in" to the story. And the final scenes, while interesting, had an over-the-top, neatly wrapped-up feel to them.

Overall, though, Pieces of Me is an engaging YA mystery with a sci-fi flavor, plenty of surprises, exciting suspense, and romance.

*With thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of the book, which I won via a giveaway on her blog. I was not required to write a review.* 

P.S. I posted a letter to one of the characters a week ago on The Borrowed Book blog, if you're interested in learning a little more about the book!


  1. Oooo, this one does sound pretty intriguing! I'll have to check it out. Thanks! :)

  2. Sounds like my kind of book. I love crossover books. That's what I call them anyway. ;)

  3. Kara,

    It is! :) I was really surprised when I won a copy - I had just seen a tweet about the giveaway, which included gift cards and such, so I entered on a whim, not really thinking that much about the book. It was very cool to win a copy, though, and I really enjoyed it!


  4. Juju,

    I think you might just like it then! It's really interesting - love all of the mystery and surprises. :) And "crossover" is a great term!


  5. Sounds great, Amber! I like books with a sci-fi twist such as these - not necessary Marvel/superhero kind of books, but more in this vein and as Juju says, a crossover.

    Always excited potential new reading material - thanks for another fab review! :)

  6. Rissi,

    This sounds right up your alley, then! :) I would certainly be curious to hear your thoughts - it's a very interesting story!

    I love discovering new books, too, especially when friends recommend them...but then my poor wallet and bedroom floor-space might soon beg me to stop getting more books, LOL. ;)

    Glad you enjoyed the review, and thank you for sharing about it on Twitter!



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