
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Books Galore: Exciting News from Tracy Higley!

A long, long time ago, I can still remember...the time I won City of the Dead by Tracy Higley on the Relz Reviewz blog. (Pardon the "American Pie" reference - I love that song!) This was before I had my own blog, and winning books on blogs was the coolest. thing. ever! City of the Dead took me on an exciting adventure, and from then on I was a big fan of Tracy's work.

So today I offer my hearty congratulations to Tracy on the release of her latest book, Garden of Madness!! I have a review copy from the publisher that is ready and waiting for some awesome summer reading time! (So be on the lookout for my review!)

You can nab a copy for $9.99 on!

But wait - that's not all! (Sorry for sounding like an infomercial...)

Here's what "The Great Book Giveaway" is all about in Tracy's words:
"I'm so excited to announce that an arrangement with the publisher has allowed me to give away 5000 copies of my past few titles! My goal is to find worthy homes for all of them in 5 months!"
According to the website page, the books can go to book bloggers, homeschoolers, church libraries, and other groups. All of them are great reads (although I confess to being especially fond of the "7 Wonders" series), so this is an awesome opportunity! History, romance, faith - it's all there!

If you want to learn more, click HERE to go to the website.

Hope ya'll have a happy May Day, and here's to some good reads!


  1. Thanks for letting us know of this great giveaway Amber! Can't wait to read the 7 wonders series!

  2. Cathy,

    You're quite welcome! :) Tracy's books are awesome - I think you'll love the "7 Wonders" series! Shadow of Colussus, City of the Dead, Guardian of the Flame - so good! And I'm sure Garden of Madness is another great addition. :) Can't wait to find out! ;)



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