
Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's a Jolly Holiday with Casey!

Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Casey! Casey makes your heart so light...

It really was a jolly holiday last weekend, when Casey Herringshaw (of Writing for Christ fame) came to visit me! We didn't jump into any paintings like Mary Poppins, but we did ride a carousel and have a grand old time! 

From attending a church service together, to going to the park and riding the lovely Riverfront Carousel, to eating lunch at Olive Garden and catching up on all the news (I got to hear Casey's dancing story firsthand!), and even giving Casey a tour of Corban, it was a delightful Sunday - and the often cranky Oregon weather was quite cooperative! How blessed am I to have met such wonderful friends through blogging - and then to actually meet a dear blogging friend in person, not once, not twice, but three times so far?? I am blessed, indeed!!!

It was so sweet of Casey to come and visit me - and Casey, I hope you know that I'm so grateful you made it work! I'm hoping that if it's the Lord's will, we'll have some more jolly holidays together. =)

To all of my blogging friends, thank you so much for your friendship! Because of your kindness, encouragement, and support, I can have a virtual jolly holiday through blogging anytime!


  1. So glad you and Casey had a wonderful time together! Love the carousel pictures :) You're right meeting people from blogging is awesome!

  2. I loved spending that Sunday afternoon with you Amber! So awesome and I'm so glad it could be worked out. Hoping to spend a bit more time this summer!! So blessed to have connected with you through blogging!

  3. I'm glad you and Casey had such a great time together. That carousel looks like lotsa fun.

  4. How fun that you two sweet girls got to spend time together! Looks like lots of fun!

    Julie@ My Favorite Pastime

  5. Faye,

    Thank you! And yes - definitely! :) So glad I've had the chance to "meet" you through blogging! I appreciate your sweet friendship. :)


  6. Casey,

    That was one fun Sunday afternoon, for sure! :) Thank you again for making the effort to spend that time with me - you're fabulous!! Hope we get to hang out again soon, as well! :)


  7. Keli,

    Yes, lots of fun! :) I'm glad Casey thought of it and took me there! I've been to that park before, but I hadn't been on the carousel until then. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  8. You girls look like you had a blast! How blessed you both are to have met in person and more than once at that! I know it's a sin but I am a little jealous! ;)

    Great pics you've shared here, my friend! And I don't know how I didn't see this before but you and Casey have like the same color hair, lol! You are both so pretty inside and out :)

    Hoping you girls can get together more in the future AND that, Lord willing, someday I can meet both of you in person!!


  9. Oh, Amanda!!

    I really want to meet you, too!! If it's the Lord's will, I hope we can someday! :D

    Thank you for the kind words, dear friend, and I'm glad you enjoyed the pics!

    God bless you and yours!


    P.S. Hoping we'll have more time to chat this summer - less than a couple of weeks now until graduation, which *hopefully* will lead to more free time, at least for a little while! :)

  10. So glad that you girls could meet up again! How fun! : )

    Great pictures, too!

  11. Michelle,

    Thank you!! :) I'm glad Casey thought of going to the Carousel - definitely a great photo opp! ;)


  12. Oooooo! Love the new blog design, Amber!

    By the way, thank you for the + on Klout! :)

  13. Rachelle,

    Thank you! And, you're welcome! :)


  14. Sweet - you know you two could always plan a trip to Oz!!

  15. Rel,

    Oh, I would LOVE that!! :) You are so kind, Rel!



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