
Monday, May 7, 2012

Summer Comes Early!

With school over and graduation complete, it's summertime for me! So the blog is dressed in some bright new clothes with a touch of sunshine, which will hopefully remind us of the stunning beauty and warm peace of the summer season of humility. As I enter this transition between college life and whatever is to come next, I am definitely in need of a reminder to trust in the Lord and to be humble before Him - to let go of my worries and uncertainties and dreams, and to seek God's will and patiently (yet actively) wait for His guidance.

So here I am at home once again, probably not quite through with processing the events of this past week. Pictures should be coming soon, along with more details about graduation and such! Until then, I think I'm going to enjoy some sleep...



    That is so wonderful, dear Amber!! I hope you had a great day and I look forward to all the pics - once you catch up on your sleep, that is ;)

    What you shared here is beautiful about needing to trust the Lord and give Him any worries about the future. To have that attitude at such a young age and important time in your life is more of a blessing than you'll ever know. Most people finally decide to trust God (or realize they need to) once they're older and have already made the important decisions that map out their lives. But your allowing Jesus to script it for you now - you won't be disappointed, my friend! Thank you for the example you set for the rest of us :)

    Oh, and I LOVE the new summer look for your blog!! All the colors - so pretty!

    Get your rest and I'll talk to you soon! ;)

  2. YAY!!!!

    I'm so, so, so happy for you! See? You got past those crazy weeks and now you're reaping the benefits of being DONE and moving onto the next stage of your life. SO Happy for you!!

    Can't wait for pictures! :D

  3. Congratulations Amber! What a special time - how exciting! I couldn't agree more with Amanda; what a blessing to be grounded in the Lord at such a young age!

    Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors! God has an amazing plan for you. : )


  4. Congratulations on your graduation! Over here it is autumn, almost winter. It is so great that you can enjoy the bright sunshine and warm weather over there.

  5. Amanda,

    Thank you so much!! :) I really appreciate your enthusiastic support - not only for this event, but also for my writing and for the well-being of me and my family. I'm so grateful for your prayers and your friendship!!

    And thank you for your kind and encouraging words - they mean so much to me, especially now when it's rather hard to know what to tell people regarding my plans for the future. It's prideful, I know, to want to have an answer that makes me look good. I have so much to learn about humility!

    I'm glad you like the new blog look! :) It's always fun finding a new design, picking out the main picture from my photos (or my family's photos), and matching the fonts/colors. :)

    Yes, talk to you more soon!


  6. Casey,

    Yes - somehow I'm done with finals and projects and graduation after all! Thank you for the encouragement!! :)

    Pics are now up!


  7. Michelle,

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your friendship and encouragement - thank you for all of your kind comments! :)


  8. Bookgirl,

    Thank you! And wow - so cool to think of people experiencing different seasons depending on where they are in the world! :) I hope your autumn/winter is an enjoyable one!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!