
Friday, December 9, 2011

Love Finds You With Understanding

Loree won me over with one of her previous "Love Finds You" books - Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska - and now I am quite eager to read her latest! (You can read my review of LFY in North Pole HERE.) Want to learn more about Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina and find out how you can win a copy for you or a friend? Read on!

What do you love most about writing for the “Love Finds You” series as compared to other books you’ve written?

Loree: Though I've always made a practice of visiting the places where my stories take place, the settings for the Love Finds You series have all been so fun and exciting! And because Summerside prefers to deliver lighthearted, uplifting novels to their loyal fans, I get to have as much fun as the readers do!

Amber: Have you visited the setting of your latest “Love Finds You” book? If so, what was your favorite part of the trip?

Loree: It's a tossup between the Folly Beach fishing pier and the crazy little boat that washed ashore during Hurricane Hugo (where locals and tourists alike paint all sorts of messages on the hull). On second thought, maybe the Morris Island Lighthouse. Or the fantastic restaurants. Hmm…I'm thinking I'll have to get back to you on that!

Amber: Sounds like there's a lot to love about Folly Beach!

Have you learned anything about love and humility while working on your latest “Love Finds You” book that you could share with us?

Loree: Absolutely! As Holly (the heroine) learned that she's lovable, despite her slightly-klutzy tendencies, I learned that my own eccentricities are more tolerable than I'd once thought. And, as Parker (the hero) grapples with his mom's dishonesty, I learned that even parents have feet of clay…and need forgiveness and understanding.

Amber: What would a Christmas party in the town and era of your latest “Love Finds You” book look like? (Any details about food, decorations, traditions, etc., would be wonderful!)

Loree: First, there'd be lots of colorful lights on the cottage terraces and vacation house balconies that overlook the Atlantic. And because the weather is (mostly) beautiful, even in December, the Christmas banquet would take place on the deck, so that the guests could gobble up crab cakes and fish gumbo along with the traditional ham dinner and sides…and so that we could put up our feet while eating our pecan pie, watching the waves crash onto shore all around the historic Morris Island Lighthouse!

Amber: Count me in! Thanks so much for joining us today, Loree! Can't wait to read this book!


Here are the rules for today's giveaway of a signed copy of Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina to 2 winners! Please read carefully.
  • Leave a comment for Loree along with your e-mail address.
  • You must have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible for this drawing.
  • All winners this week will be announced on Sunday, December 11, 2011. (That's soon, so don't delay - enter today!!)

(Folly Beach pictures from the Folly Beach website. You can learn more about Loree at her website!)


  1. Okay, so I made it over here earlier than I have been doing all week. Yay! :-)

    Loree, great to get to know more about your writing experience with the LFY books. I didn't read your North Pole one, but since I see that Amber recommends it, I just might have to get my hands on a copy! And Folly Beach certainly sounds like a fun read! :-)


  2. I absolutely loved Loree's LFY in North Pole, AK too--can't wait to read this one! It's been fun being "release buddies." =)

  3. I've loved the books I've read from Loree! She has this way about her that always makes me smile whenever I read her. I'm looking forward to this book!


  4. i have loved all your novels that i've read, Loree, and now that i am close to a library for the winter, i hope to find LFY in North Pole as well.Reading about a character who has problems such as being clutzy, helps me to laugh at my foibles, too
    These LFY are such a fun read.
    Thanks for the interview/giveaway.


    from Arizona

  5. love the LFY series. Beach setting are so romantic.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. I can't seem to stop buying the Love Finds You books. So it would be nice to win one. This sounds amazing. Thanks for this contest.


  7. For me, there's a romance with lighthouses. I don't know exactly why. Maybe it's the solitude they represent to me, when I live in such a busy life. Anyway, thank you for offering this giveaway. Congrats on the book, Loree!


  8. Would love to have a chance to read any of the books you have. But this one has caught my eye.. Please enter me in this great giveaway...

    Kim J.

  9. Thanks

    Since it's so close to Christmas, I'm adding an extra little something to the Prize Pot: A 2nd copy of Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina!

    That means Amber gets to choose TWO of you for a free, signed copy of the book, delivered right to your door. (If you'd like your copy autographed to someone other than yourself [to give as a gift], just include that name when you provide your address.)

    Looking forward to hearing lots more from y'all. Meanwhile, have a fantastic weekend!


  10. I'm just catching up on all the partying, Amber. Better late than never, I guess. So glad that you introduced me to the Love Finds You series. I've made notes for my shopping spree this weekend. Can you believe I am out of reading material??? Gasp. that has never happened before. I feel adrift in a void of wordlessness. LOL.

  11. Another great sounding book! Please enter me in this giveaway!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Beautiful Bandit is one of my favorite books, so this is one I've got to read! ;)

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  13. I'm with you Amber, I LOVED LFY in North Pole, such a good book and I can only image these are as well. :)


    Email in my profile. :)

    Thanks so much for the fun, fun party!! I hadn't even seen the cover for Loree's book, so that was great!

  14. So good to see you all here!


    So fun to host you, and thank you for offering to give away a second copy!! :D Can't wait to read this book myself!


    So glad I could introduce you to the series! And you're out of reading material??? Well, I hope you can fix that soon! :)


    Wasn't in LFY in North Pole great?? :) Glad you're enjoying the party, and happy I could share some cover candy with you! I think this is such a pretty cover. :)


  15. Ah, Loree. We got back a least in terms of me reading your books. :) You were published long before I was and long before we met in person. But you're just as imagined you would be, and your books continue to impress. What a great title..Folly Beach. I need to find a good title for my Delaware LFY book so marketing at Summerside will approve.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    tiff [at] amberstockton [dot] com

  16. I love going to the seaside places to wander the beach and the interesting places along the beach. LFY in Folly Beach, SC sounds like somewhere I'd love to go.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  17. Thank you for doing this interview and the giveaway. These Love Finds You books are great!

    wfnren at aol dot com

  18. Folly beach looks beautiful! And your characters sound wonderful. :-) I'll definitely have to check your book out even if I don't win!

  19. I can't wait to read this book either!! :)


  20. Friday is a busy day for me ~*~ beginning with an hour at the Y exercise class and all day volunteering ... you got it!, at the library.
    So, I didn't get on this morning for the last day--here we go.
    I love lighthouses and their history. Many, many years ago on our honeymoon, we visited the ones in Door County, Wisconsin.
    Our Missouri sunset looked a lot like the one in the photo last night.
    I have read two Summerside novels but none in this series. I have enjoyed reading the authors' posts.
    Looking forward to Sunday after church and lunch to come back and check the winners!
    Thank you. This has been fun.

  21. Hey there :) Great party thought I'd stop by :)

  22. LOVE Loree and her books! I've got this one preordered, but would love to win one for a friend!

    It's great to see you here on one of my favorite blogs, Loree! :D

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  23. Thank you for the chance to win this book- I would enjoy winning a copy! Please enter me in this giveaway!

    Great blog party, Amber!

    God bless you,

  24. I so love the Love Finds You books and would love to win a copy of LFY in Folly Beach, SC.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  25. Seems intreating. Thank you for the opportunity to win great party.

  26. Love the LFY partial to this one 'cause of relatives there! Please enter me! Thanks!!!

  27. Interesting interview. Your books sound so intriguing. I've just got to get my hands on them, as I've not ready any of the "Love finds You..." books!
    Thanks for a great giveaway.

  28. I always enjoy reading 'love finds you in....' books. thanks for the chance to read this one.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  29. LOVE the restaurants on Folly Beach! I still think of breakfast at the Lost Dog Cafe.

  30. Juju,

    Oooh, sounds awesome! Hope you get a chance to read this one. :)



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