
Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Love Finds You" Blog Party Winners!


Thank you so very much to all of the authors (Roseanna, Miralee, Robin, Melanie, and Loree) for your generosity in terms of time and prizes!! I hope this week celebrating the "Love Finds You" series was an encouragement to all of you!

And thank you to all of my readers and new friends for making this week a success! I appreciate your comments and your excitement regarding the party and the book series!!

We have winners!!!
  • $15 gift card + 2 copies of Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland = Ariel!
  • Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland = Geschumann (Gloria)!
  • Love Finds You in Sundance, Wyoming = Ali!
  • Love Finds You in Sunset Beach, Hawaii = steveandcami!
  • Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania = Jackie S!
  • Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina = Casey and Katie McCurdy!
Winners will be e-mailed and will have 1 week to respond (or another winner will be chosen). Congratulations!!

Hope you all enjoyed the "Love Finds You" blog party!!


  1. I'm sad to see the party end, thank you for the fun time Amber!! Especailly during a crazy week for you. I'll be emailing you in the next couple minutes. Thank you!!!

  2. CONGRATS to ALL the winners : )

    Ariel, I'm sorry I didn't get around to commenting more. The posts were fun and well written as always :) The interviews made me laugh and always smile. Thanks for doing this, sorry ours had to overlap :/ I didn't do that on purpose, I promise! It's just....where mine falls lol. But I think yours worked out fabulously, great job. I'm proud of everything you've been able to continue to do this year. Sad to see we haven't kept in touch much, but glad that you're doing good as ever.
    Talk to you soon probably and congrats again, folks : )

  3. Casey,

    Aww, that means a lot to me! :) It has been a bit crazy, but I had a wonderful weekend with friends, which was just what I needed!


  4. Renee,

    You're so sweet! :) Thank you for stopping by!


    P.S. Awesome "Monday for the Military" giveaway to be posted in a couple of hours!!

  5. Hannah,

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the posts this week, and thank you for joining in the fun!! :) And no need to apologize whatsoever!! It's fun to have multiple parties going on, and yours is a month-long even, while mine is just a week-long. :)

    Thank you for your kind words, and might I add that your posts have been awesome, too! Great job on all that you are doing, and glad that we're catching up at least a little bit during this crazy time. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!