
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Love Finds You in the Christmas Spirit

'Tis the season! From Melanie's research trip to the title and cover of her latest "Love Finds You" book, this particular interview is filled with Christmas cheer. Enjoy the theme and read on to learn about a great gift opportunity (for you or a friend)!

What do you love most about writing for the “Love Finds You” series as compared to other books you’ve written?

Melanie: First of all, I love working with the Summerside team! They’ve been such an encouragement to me, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed partnering with them. Second, I love researching small towns across the country and then creating a fictional story from their history and heritage. Right now I’m writing my fifth Love Finds You novel (Love Finds You in Mackinac Island, Michigan).

Amber: Have you visited the setting of your latest “Love Finds You” book? If so, what was your favorite part of the trip?

Melanie: I always visit the towns where my Love Finds You books are set. Sometimes I think my novel writing is really an excuse to travel and explore because I really (really!) enjoy researching these towns. In my first Love Finds You novel (Liberty, Indiana), I crawled around in all sorts of secret spaces that were once hiding places on the Underground Railroad. For the Amana novels (Love Finds You in Homestead and Amana, Iowa), I explored the picturesque Amana Colonies for almost a week. Then for my latest novel (Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania), I took a night tour last year of the beautiful Christmas lights in Nazareth while learning about its Moravian heritage.

Amber: Those sound like some great trips!

Have you learned anything about love and humility while working on your latest “Love Finds You” book that you could share with us?

Melanie: Those two themes are woven throughout Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania because the story is about a married couple selected by Lot to be husband and wife. Even as he marries Susanna, Christian Boehler loves another woman in his heart, and he often fails Susanna in the first year of their marriage. The story is about choosing forgiveness over anger and replacing bitterness with both love and grace.

Amber: What would a Christmas party in the town and era of your latest “Love Finds You” book look like? (Any details about food, decorations, traditions, etc., would be wonderful!)

Melanie: Oh, it would have been a grand celebration! The Moravian people embraced the Christmas season and the depth of its meaning--so much so that their two major settlements in Pennsylvania were named Bethlehem and Nazareth. On Christmas Eve, the sanctuary would have glowed from the tallow candles they held as they feasted together on spicy sugar cakes and black coffee and worshipped God in song: “Good news from heav’n the angels bring…All my heart this night rejoices.”

Thanks, Amber! It’s a pleasure to celebrate with you.

Amber: It's a pleasure to host you, Melanie! Thank you for your wonderful responses and helping us get in the Christmas mood!


Here are the rules for today's giveaway of a signed copy of Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania! Please read carefully.
  • Leave a comment for Melanie along with your e-mail address.
  • This drawing is open to readers everywhere! (International giveaway!)
  • All winners this week will be announced on Sunday, December 11, 2011.
(Learn more about Melanie at her website!)


  1. I am interested in learning about the Moravians and their customs in LFY in Nazareth, PA. Marriage by lot or arrangement had to take much grace and commitment to find love.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  2. I can't wait to read this one! Melanie is an awesome author! I LOVED her LFY book set in Liberty, Indiana! 5 Star book, and I highly recommend it. : )

    Thanks for sharing this great interview with Melanie.

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  3. I've never read anything by Melanie, but I DO love Pennsylvania! The cover of the book intrigues me, so I'm looking forward to reading it.


  4. This is turning into such a great blog party! *claps hands excitedly*

    I'd love to win a copy of this interesting novel. What a cool story it promises to be! :)

    Thank you for the opportunity (biblioprincess15 (at) yahoo (dot) com)

  5. Can't wait to read this one. I'll take anything that has to do with Pennsylvania! Thanks for the chancet to win!


  6. This looks like a very interesting read. I'm so excited!


  7. How fun immersing yourself in the areas where you are going to write your book!


  8. I've been through Nazareth PA, but we were looking for Mario Andretti, not the Moravian settlement. I'd love to read this book. Thanks for offering the opportunity and congrats on the book, Melanie.


  9. Yeah! This looks like a great book...I've never been to this part of the U.S., but have enjoyed every book I've read about it. :)

    Tanya Johnson

  10. Wow, I cannot imagine marrying someone because of drawing lots! Lovely interview, thank you Amber and Ms. Dobson :)

    I live in the US :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  11. Thank you, Melanie, for the great interview responses and the giveaway! :) And thank you, dear friends, for your comments and excitement about the party and these great books!


  12. Looks like a wonderful book!


  13. I'm really in the Christmas spirit now. Thanks for writing what sounds to be a lovely story.

    Many Blessings!

  14. I LOVE Melanie's books!! I've read several now and really enjoy her story telling abilities. :)

    You've thrown a great party, dear Amber! :)

    (email in profile)

  15. Well, I posted a comment this morning, via my iTouch...and now that I'm on the computer, I don't see it. Something musta messed up along the way...ugh, technology somethings! :-P


    So, anyway! This book looks really good! Melanie, I think it's so cool that you go to visit each town that you write about. Too neat! And what a way to really get the feel for your book! :-)

    Thanks for a great giveaway opportunity!


  16. I love the thought of two towns being named Nazareth and Bethlehem. What a great place to set at least one story (so far). Melanie, can we twist your arm to write a book about Bethlehem, PA? :o)

    I'd love to sign up for the giveaway, too. All of Melanie's books that I've read thus far have been great!

    southernsassythings at gmail dot com

  17. I've read Melanie's Love Finds You in Homestead and really enjoyed learning about the Amana colonies. I'd love to read her latest and learn about the Moravian people.



  18. I have been to two Underground Railroad "museum" houses in Wisconsin, and have an Underground Railroad quilt book. I would like to learn about the signals in the quilts to put them in sequence. I have been to Amana driving on straight roads between the cornfields. I've driven through tunnels and thought you might like these Pennsylvania tunnels (especially the cars):
    I enjoyed your post!
    United States

  19. What a interesting idea in a romance book - that the main character in the story did not marry the one he loved. Really need to find out how this worked. Thanks Melanie and Amber.


  20. Amana colony that sounds interesting different than Amish I love Amish books

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. What a trial to marry someone knowing you are in love with someone else. Anything I have to say about such a thing is almost painful. I can't wait to read how the couple deals their feelings to make the marriage work. Of course if God is their main source of comfort it could work.


  22. I've only read one book (Refuge on Crescent Hill) by Melanie Dobson and I really enjoyed it! Hope to win this book!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. I would love to learn about the Moravians, I am familiar with the Amish, Mennonites and Hutterites but nothing about this group.

    Merry Christmas to you and your famuly and all your followers!


  24. Bethlehem...that's not too far from where I spent 25 years of my life (Delaware) and went to college near Harrisburg. Pennsylvania is fascinating with its rich history and amazing stories. Historical to boot. My favorite genre. You've got a winner with this one, Melanie.

    tiff [at] amberstockton [dot] com

  25. Sounds great! I love the LFY series so please enter me. Thanks!!

  26. I would enjoy reading this book! The setting seems interesting- Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Please enter me in this giveaway! Thanks, Amber and Melanie, for the chance to win this book!

    God bless you!

  27. I love reading about the research trips authors take. Thanks for sharing, Melanie!

    I am an international entrant. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, Amber.


  28. I haven't been disappointed with any of the LFY books and would love to win a copy of LFY in Nazareth, PA. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  29. This book looks very interesting. I would love to win a copy.


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