
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Christmas Singing

Cindy Woodsmall has a beautiful, meaningful writing style, and I have really enjoyed the books I've read by her (When the Soul Mends and the "Ada's House" series). Here are links to a couple of my reviews:

When the Soul Mends (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 3)

The Harvest of Grace (Ada's House, Book 3)

I haven't had the pleasure of reading The Christmas Singing, but from what I've read of Woodsmall's work, I'm sure it's a great Amish story. =) If you'd like to buy this book (and any other title on the Waterbrook Multnomah website) for a friend or relative (or yourself!) for Christmas, you can get 30% off and free shipping if you use the promo code CHRISTMAS11 at checkout! (Coupon expires December 20, 2011.)

Want to learn more about The Christmas Singing? You can read the first chapter HERE, and you can watch the neat trailer below!

*With thanks to Blogging for Books for this special offer!*


  1. Hi Amber,
    I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you as you take finals and travel and whatnot:) I know this is such a busy time of year for you!

    This book is just beautiful - and the trailer is, too! Thanks so much for ALL your support, enthusiasm, and heart for writing and others this past year. Your blog is a beautiful place to be.

  2. Laura,

    That means so much to me! :) Thank you! I just finished my last final yesterday, and my mom and I made it home last night, so I'm home for the holidays!! It feels grand. :)

    And thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words about my blog! Blogging can be time-consuming and draining at times, but I have been so blessed by the friendships I've made and the opportunities I've received! I'm so glad we "met" through blogging and e-mail, and I do so hope I get to meet you in person at a book-signing or something! You are such a sweet person and inspiring author! :)

    God bless, and merry Christmas to you and yours!



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