
Friday, December 16, 2011

INSPYs: 2011 Winners Announced!

What a neat experience to be a part of the INSPY judging process this year as a judge in the Romance category! We are blessed with so many wonderful authors and inspiring stories out there that share God's love and truth in creative and engaging ways.

The winners for the 2011 INSPY awards were recently announced, and you'll find the list of them (with links) below. If you're looking for a good read for you or a friend, perhaps this list of winners will help!

Creative Nonfiction: Passport Through Darkness

General Fiction: City of Tranquil Light

Literature for Young People: Saint Training

Mystery/Thriller: The Bishop

(You can read my review of this powerful book HERE!)

Speculative Fiction: The Falling Away

Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to my fellow judges and the INSPY advisory board!


  1. I'm soooo happy for my agency mate and friend Cathy West. She wrote a powerful story, and I'm thrilled to see it receive this honor.

  2. I've heard so many wonderful things about Cathy's book, Amber, and am so happy it won! Thanks for stepping forward and being a judge. You write wonderful reviews and have such good insight about books that I know it helped the contest very much.

  3. Keli,

    I agree! :) The book brought me to tears - very powerful!


  4. Laura,

    Thank you so much! It was an honor to be a judge. :) And I'm honored that you think my reviews are insightful!

    I hope you get a chance to read Cathy's book - I don't think you'll be disappointed!

    Thank you for stopping by! I saw your blog post about visiting other blogs instead of writing blog posts for the next couple of weeks, and I think that's so thoughtful and sweet! :)


  5. I was judge for the Mystery/Thriller category and just have to say...if you wanna get creeped out during a book, The Bishop is the book to get. Wowza, is that a good thriller or what!!

    Great to see Cathy West's debut here. That book was a real 'gritty romance', as I like to describe it!

  6. Katie,

    Sounds like an intense book! Maybe not quite my cup of tea...but sounds great for thriller-lovers! :)

    And yes, Cathy's book is definitely a "gritty romance," and quite emotionally stirring!


  7. It was such a great discussion we had! I can't wait to read the other winners.

    If I don't pop in again before the holidays, have a wonderful Christmas Amber! :)

  8. Joy,

    Glad we could both be Romance judges this year! :)

    And thank you! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, too! :)



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