
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Review of Freedom's Stand

Here's a description of the book from Tyndale:

"Jamil renounced a life of jihad when he encountered the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, but villagers and authorities in the hills of Afghanistan respond with skepticism . . . and even violence.
Relief worker Amy Mallory is shocked by the changes in her organization—changes with dire implications for the women and children under her care. And concern for her former assistant, Jamil, weighs heavily on her heart.

Former Special Forces veteran Steve Wilson faces off against the riots and corruption of Kabul’s upcoming election. He's looking for something that will give his life purpose but is confident that he won’t find it in Afghanistan.

All three are searching for love and freedom in a country where political and religious injustice runs rampant. But when religious freedom becomes a matter of life and death, they discover that the cost of following Jesus may require the ultimate sacrifice."

My Review:

It took me a really long time to finally sit down and finish this book - but despite its length and complexities it eventually drew me in and brought me to tears as events unfolded. Detailed, imaginative, painfully authentic, and ultimately inspiring, Freedom's Stand is a book worth wrestling through and stepping outside of one's genre comfort zone if necessary in order to read it.

Without having read Veiled Freedom and being sadly remiss in keeping up with global news, this sequel can be a bit tough to wade through at times, from the terminology to the slow but simmering build-up of events. However, action really starts picking up in the second half of the book, and danger and faith mix in a powerful ending that is both moving and challenging.

Windle's characters run deep and offer both familiarity in their flaws and encouragement in their faith. Suspense and intrigue and romance make this a great story from many angles. Freedom's Stand is surprising in its plot, horrifying in its grittiness, and yet hopeful in its depiction of love and freedom.

*With thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. You got to love the books that you struggle to get fully into but end up enthralled by it. A lesson in perseverance in our 'give it to me now' culture.
    I always told my kids that if you are tempted to put a book down in the first chapter, set a page goal - say 10 pages. Then if you still feel the same way after that then shelve the book - life is too short.
    A few months ago I had a review book that I was tempted to shelve many times. I wasn't fully engaged in it until 100 pages. But when I was finally engaged I loved it. I couldn't put it down. I learned a lesson that day and told my kids to throw out my words of wisdom.
    Thanks for your review Amber.

  2. Jodi,

    Oh, it's a lesson I have to learn over and over! And sad to say, there have been books I've given up on that perhaps I shouldn't have. :( It's hard to find a balance between wisely using our limited time and wanting to give a book the time it might need to win us over...

    Thank you for the great reminder, and I'm glad you enjoyed the review! :) This isn't my usual genre fare, but it really is a moving and thought-provoking book - with some sweet romance mixed in if you stick the course. ;)



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