
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Litfuse Blog Tour: A Lancaster County Christmas

Here's a description of the book:

"Jaime and C. J. Fitzpatrick began their married life as most couples do--in love and looking forward to a bright future together. But four years later they've drifted apart and are almost ready to call it quits.

Mattie Riehl was hoping to give her husband Sol the Christmas gift they have both longed for--news that a baby was on the way. But as usual, she is disappointed. The holidays bring an acute awareness to Mattie that her dream of a big family isn't likely to become a reality.

Then a winter storm raging outside blows the Fitzpatricks into the Riehl home--and into a much slower pace of life. Can these two couples from different worlds help each other understand the true meaning of love this Christmas?

With her trademark plot twists and attention to detail, Suzanne Woods Fisher offers readers a beautiful Christmas story of love, forgiveness, and what truly matters in life."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

If you're looking for tinsel and mistletoe, stockings and Christmas trees, or Santa Clause and Frosty the Snowman, you won't find them in A Lancaster County Christmas. But you will find authentic characters learning about the simple and powerful message of Emmanuel - God with us - at Christmastime. And the sweet simplicity is refreshing, indeed!

But if the message and the setting are "simple," the situations are quite the opposite. Fisher's characters are unique and yet real. Fisher doesn't omit the depth - and sometimes shame - of the range of feelings humans possess at various times. But it is through her honesty that the truth she shares shines even brighter.

The characters in this particular book all fit together like a well-designed puzzle. Each person has something to teach another - and something to learn from another. A Lancaster County Christmas perhaps borders on "preachy" on occasion, but I think it mostly avoids that pitfall because of the understandable hearts of the characters. Like most Christmas novellas, this is a feel-good book. But it's also more than that. It's a book for all seasons because it deals with the various seasons of our lives and the blessings to be found in the most unexpected moments. A treat to be enjoyed any time of the year!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the Litfuse Publicity Blogging tour.*

About the Author:

"Her interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, W.D. Benedict, who was raised Plain. She has many, many Plain relatives living in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and travels back to Pennsylvania, as well as to Ohio, a couple of times each year for research.

Suzanne has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world. In both her fiction and non-fiction books, she has an underlying theme: You don't have to "go Amish" to incorporate many of their principles--simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily-- into your life.

When Suzanne isn't writing or bragging to her friends about her first new grandbaby (!), she is raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. To Suzanne's way of thinking, you just can't take life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone's underwear in its mouth.

Suzanne can be found on-line at:"

To Buy the Book: click HERE

Blog Tour Schedule: Check out all of the other review scheduled by clicking HERE.


It’s Christmas in September!

To celebrate the release of her first Christmas book, Suzanne Woods Fisher has teamed up with her publisher, Revell, to bring you the "Christmas in September" iPad Giveaway! The winner will be announced on 9/27 at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party! Details below. Tell your friends and join in the fun (9/7-9/27).

Oh and be sure to follow the blog tour here - many of the bloggers have copies of the book to giveaway!

Suzanne and Revell will be presenting one merry winner with a Christmas Prize Pack (valued at over $600):
  • A Brand New iPad 2 with Wi-Fi

  • $25 gift certificate to iTunes

  • A copy of A Lancaster County Christmas

To enter, click one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on 9/26.

But, wait! There's more! The winner will be announced at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party on 9/27 at Suzanne's author page. During the party she'll be revealing something *BIG* - you won't want to miss it. She'll also be hosting a book chat, trivia contest and giving away a few early Christmas presents! Hope to see you there.

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter


  1. Great review :) I enjoyed it, can't wait to post mine!

  2. Faye,

    Thank you! :) Excited to see yours posted, too!


  3. I'm looking forward to this one. Love Christmas, and love Amish books so this sounds like a winner to me!

  4. Kav,

    Oh, I know you'll love this book! :) It's wonderful!! Definitely another winner from Fisher. :)


  5. Hi Amber! Gosh...I could spend a long time reading through your blog! I have to bookmark it and return to it. Thanks so much for reviewing "A Lancaster County Christmas--and I appreciated the more subtle themes you pointed out. Hope you'll be on my next blog tour! Warmly, Suzanne Woods Fisher

  6. Suzanne,

    Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! Feel free to come back as often as you'd like! :) I love blogging, so it's a treat to know that others enjoy browsing/reading my blog. :)

    I loved A Lancaster County Christmas! I've read/reviewed three of your novels so far and enjoyed each one, so I'd love to be on your next blog tour! January, I believe...? :)

    Thank you again for visiting!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!