
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All Things Bright and Beautiful

I was introduced to Owl City my first year of college, when the song "Fireflies" was really popular and playing on the radio all the time. I fell in love with his music - the upbeat rhythms, the unique and creative lyrics, and the overall emotion and excitement of the songs.

I finally bought the latest album All Things Bright and Beautiful the other day, and even though it's a bit different than Ocean Eyes and some of his other music (as others have noted), I'm starting to get into it. However, I discovered that there's one song on the iTunes album that's not present on the Amazon MP3 album I bought - and when I heard it on YouTube, I decided I just had to buy the song from iTunes! It's called "How I Became the Sea":

Beautiful, no? And then there's this short track before the song "Galaxies":

You might recognize these words and the quoted poem from a devotional piece by Larkin Spivey that I shared several months ago. That poem is deeply moving!

Lastly, if you, too, are a fan of Owl City, have you ever heard of Sky Sailing? According to iTunes, Sky Sailing was Adam Young's project prior to Owl City. I bought that CD, An Airplane Carried Me to Bed, this past summer, and I love it!! It's quite possible that I like it better than Young's other CDs overall, mostly because of the mood and flow of the songs. Want to hear a sample?

*Sigh* Lots of great music to listen to whenever! I'm so grateful that of "All Things Bright and Beautiful" that God made, He also gave us music. What a blessing!!

(Note: Videos were found on YouTube.)


  1. I just got the CD "All Things Bright and Beautiful" from my library, and now I'm obcessed with it! I listen to it all the time, which for me is weird because I am usually a Country Music only, kind of girl. Now I'm a huge Owl City fan! I really admire his Christian themes in his songs, and the fresh sound and rhymes. Great post :)

  2. Faye,

    I know what you mean! I'm a bluegrass fan, but I do have an eclectic taste for all different kinds of music in general. For the past couple of years I've really enjoyed listening to Owl City and getting his new albums! Have you listened to the Sky Sailing album? Highly recommend it! :)

    Glad you enjoyed the posts, and glad to meet another Owl City fan! :)


  3. No, I haven't listened to that one yet, but now I think that I must!
    Wow, I'm a Bluegrass fan too! I really like The Cherryholmes, and Hit n' Run (before they dissolved).
    I think something about the way Adam Young says things and the catchy rhythms, just really make his music appealing to a wide variety of people.

    Yeah, me too :)

  4. Faye,

    I think you'd really enjoy it! :)

    And I love Cherryholmes!! I saw them in concert my first year of college - it was awesome! I have all 4 of their more recent CDs. :) I haven't heard of Hit 'n Run before... I might have to check that out! I just love bluegrass!!

    Anyway, I agree about Adam Young. His music definitely appeals to a lot of people. :)


  5. So great to meet another person who has heard of the Cherryholmes, I was so sad to hear that they were breaking up. But I look forward to their solo projects, I believe it shall be quite interesting. I think that you would enjoy them, though finding their CD's might be hard. Rebecca Hogan Fraiser has such a lovely voice :)

  6. Faye,

    I agree! :) And yes, I was sad to hear that they were breaking up, as well. :( I didn't know they were doing any solo projects - I'd love to hear any more of their music, solo or not! Let me know if you ever find anything out about that. :)



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