
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of A Heart Revealed

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Her heart is tied to a youthful vow . . . but can true love set it free?

Ten years ago, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston, running for her life. Her emotional wounds have finally faded, and her life is now full of purpose and free from the pain of her past. But when she falls for her friend Charity's handsome and charming brother, Sean O'Connor, fear and shame threaten to destroy her. Could Sean and Emma ever have a future together? Or is Emma doomed to live out the rest of her life denying the only true love she's ever known?

Filled with intense passion and longing, deception and revelation, A Heart Revealed will hold you in its grip until the very last page."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

Catching up with the O'Connor clan is always a treat! Lessman's family saga continues in A Heart Revealed - a sweet story of grace and godliness, as well as the struggle to accept and act in both. Hearts are certainly revealed in several marriages and friendships throughout this story, and Lessman's sensitivity makes the result ultimately uplifting.

Reading through this book is like reading through plenty of case studies for various personality theories. The pages are rich in each character's personal history and the motivations that brought them to where the story unfolds. Plenty to discuss and dissect here! And plenty to cause angst and frustration in the reader, for sure, as Lessman creates tons of engaging drama.

Some of the ways in which Lessman resolved issues in this particular book were a bit frustrating for me in a less engaging way in regards to back story. And at times the relationship issues seemed a bit repetitive, although the themes are played out nicely, and some of the lines/analogies are just great - like Sean's descriptions of two of his sisters' marriages. (Definitely a lot of insight into the characters there!)

Like other Julie Lessman novels, this book will require setting aside a good chunk of time in order to read through it, but her stories are worth the investment. For old fans and new ones, this is a well-written and intriguing story full of misguided love and tender affection that romance readers will enjoy!

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available September 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. So glad you enjoyed this one, too, Amber! Great review!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oooohhhhh -- I'm about 60 pages away from finishing it. I've been on a marathon read all weekend. Loved Sean's sports analogy too! LOL

  3. Michelle,

    Thank you! :)

    Hope your day is wonderful, as well!


  4. Kav,

    Knowing you, by the time you read this comment you'll be finished with AHR and well into another book. ;) Hope you enjoy/enjoyed the end of AHR!!

    And wasn't that analogy great? I'm not really a sports fan by any means, but I just love the insight in those two comparisons. Makes me want to try to find a sports analogy for the other marriages in the family, LOL!


  5. Great review, I can't wait to pay a visit to the O'Connors. I have the book on my shel and it's taunting me, but I simply don't have the time with my reading schedule. Hopefully soon!

  6. Faye,

    Thank you! I hope you can get to it soon, too! Gotta love that O'Connor family. ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!