
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women of Faith Conference: Here I Come!

I applied for a chance to review something a bit bigger than a book recently - a conference, to be exact. And I was accepted! So this fall I'll be attending the Women of Faith Conference in Portland, Oregon. It should be quite thrilling and uplifting!!

Here's a video about the conference:

If you'd like to learn more about the conference in Portland, scroll down and click on the pink/purple button in the sidebar. If you'd like to learn more about the conference in general, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the blog and click on the yellow banner.

I'll be posting more about this in October, but until then I just wanted to let you know about the blog buttons and share my excitement with you! I'm looking forward to posting about my experiences and reporting on the conference. Woohoo!

*With thanks to the Book Sneeze program and Women of Faith for allowing me to join in on this great opportunity!*


  1. I've been waiting to write my post until you wrote yours to see how you did it. ;-)

    Excited to see you there in just a couple months!!! :D Is your mom coming yet or do you know?

  2. How exciting! What a wonderful opportunity! And neat that you and Casey will be meeting up again. : )

  3. Casey,

    Hahaha, I'm sorry if I've kept you in suspense! ;)

    I probably should have mentioned the fact that we'd most likely be seeing each other there, but I wasn't sure if I should wait for that or not... But like I said in the post, I'm planning on writing more posts in October, so I can definitely tell everyone then that I get to see you again!! (Or they can just read these comments, LOL!) Yay! :D

    And I'm not sure yet if my mom is coming, but I'm hopeful! :) It would be so awesome if we could make it a whole mother-daughter event! Did you get the e-mail with the hotel listings?


  4. Michelle,

    Thank you for sharing my excitement!! :D I'm really looking forward to this!

    And yes, I'm so happy that Casey and I might get to meet up again and post about this together! How awesome is that?? :D


  5. This is awesome!! I'm so glad that you and Casey have made a RL connection!! And that will be so much fun!!

    I thought about signing up for this, but since Fall is such a busy time of year didn't. Well the one in my area anyway.

    I love your new "look"! I'll bet its so much cooler too!!

  6. Julia,

    Oh, I think so, too!!! :D

    And I know what you mean - it's difficult to make a commitment to something like this. What was nice for me is that Portland is only about an hour from where I go to school, and it's on a weekend, so I think I'd only miss a day of classes on Friday. :)

    Thank you for the sweet compliment, as well! It was so much fun yesterday to feel how light my hair was now and let it bounce around, LOL! ;)


  7. I too get to go to a Women of Faith conference! The one I'm going to is in Oklahoma City. I'm excited. I've never done something other than a book blog so this should be interesting. Have fun! My conference is in November.

  8. Julie,

    That's great!! I can't wait for all of us to share about our experiences! :) I hope you have a fun time, as well!


  9. Just came back today, sorry!

    Nooo, I don't think I got the hotel email. But maybe I did... Can't remember! ha!

  10. Casey,

    No problem!

    And we've got plenty of time to think about hotel reservations and such. :)



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