
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Contentment Reading Challenge: August

I am pleased to say that I actually re-read a couple of books this past month! ;) My total for the challenge so far is...3. But it's better than nothing, and I still have four more months to go!

Back in February I re-read The Redemption, the first book in the "Legacy of the King's Pirates" series by MaryLu Tyndall. In the past few weeks I re-read the other two books in the series - The Reliance and The Restitution. This whole series is just wonderful, and so powerful! I highly recommend it!

Now, MaryLu is this month's featured author over at Radiant Lit, and my reviews of The Reliance and The Restitution should be posting sometime soon! If you have a moment be sure to head on over there. And while you're there you can check out:
So, how are you all doing on this challenge? I'd love to hear what you've been re-reading!


  1. Oh dear! Sad to say, I haven't read anything new since the last time you posted one of these. Though I am currently in the middle of a reread, if that counts. lol! Total for me is 5 books. I'm 15 away, so not sure how I'll make it. But I will certainly be pushing for it. So, we'll see! :-)

    (Btw, I think the two links you have both go to the same page, Renee's review. :-)

  2. Katie,

    No worries - did you see how sad my total is?? ;) And that's great that you're in the middle of a re-read! Hope you're enjoying it. :)

    I noticed that about the links, too, and I just changed it, so they should be different now. Let me know if I still need to change something! :)


  3. Ya, so far, I'm loving 'revisiting' the book, From Dust and Ashes by Tricia Goyer. Very captivating read!

    It's great now! Thanks for mentioning me. I'm looking forward to working with RadiantLit! :-D

  4. Katie,

    Sounds good! :)

    And no problem! It was exciting to see your bio over there, too, and I think it will be neat to have the group of us writing reviews for Radiant Lit! :D


  5. Amber has already seen my latest post, but I thought I'd still share, although I'm really not trying to make anyone feel bad. I read 3 books for the challenge in July, taking me to a total of 27 books so far.

    I've also read some new books, which, of course, don't count.

  6. Beth,

    Glad you could share your progress with us, and please don't ever hesitate to do so! Don't think of it as making us feel bad - think of it as inspiring us to do even better! :)

    Keep up the great work!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!