
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A New Look

Nope, my blog doesn't have a new look...
But I do!

And I'm not referring to the new shirt, either! ;) I got my hair cut today! This is me (on the left) with a dear friend of the family, Heidi, who happens to be a wonderful hairdresser.

Part of me misses having long hair that I could twist into a bun or pull back into a decent-sized ponytail. But I wanted to try something new (and shorter!) for my last year of college. I think it will be easier to manage, and it might be fun to experiment with!

So, look out world! Amber's got a new hairdo! ;)


  1. Can't say it better than Joy. ;-)

    Really, really sweet 'do.

    You wear it well. ;-)

  2. Very pretty. Love the new look, Amber!! :-D

  3. Oh wow! Super cute 'do you got there. I want to get my hair chopped off too but I have to gather up the courage first LOL!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. So pretty, Amber! I love it! : )

  5. LOVE your hair!!!!! You look so, so pretty with your hair short, my friend!! Not many people can pull off the short look (I certainly can't, lol!) but it looks wonderful on you, good choice!! ;)


  6. My Friends,

    Thank you all so much for your kind words!! *Blushing* It truly means a lot to me, and it made me feel better when I was contemplating how drastic my decision was. ;) Thank you!!


  7. Renee,

    Hahaha, I know what you mean! Although this time I had found a picture in a magazine that made me really want to get my hair cut, and then I just was so excited with the idea of having a new look, that I wasn't really too nervous about it. Of course, afterwards (when I was posting this) it kind of hit me that I might miss my longer hair, but I think overall I'm still excited to have something different and to maybe try some new styles. :)


  8. OMW, I love it, Amber! You look so much older (in a good way) and ready to take on anything that comes your way. And I can tall your friend Heidi is a darling women, and her being a hairdresser is a plus. I had long hair for ever, until my sister convinced me to cut it. I was so sad at first, but after drying my hair for the first time in less than 10 mins., definitely made long hair a thing of the past. Enjoy the "new" Amber!
    Love Ya,

  9. Ashley,

    Thank you so much!! I was actually worried my new haircut made me look younger (and I think it does at times...), but I'm glad you think it makes me look older! Since I already look a lot younger than I am, I don't want to compound it by any means! ;)

    But seriously, I appreciate the kind words, and I completely agree about the faster drying time. Love that!! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope all is well with you, my friend!



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