
Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday for the Military: Devotional Giveaway

You don't want to know how long I've had these extra copies of the military devotional, Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, waiting for someone to read them. I'm so sorry to you (my readers), to the author, and to the publisher for putting this off for so long!

So without further ado, I'd like to announce a chance to win a copy of this devotional book! I have two copies (courtesy of the publisher) to give away, so don't be shy! Just leave a comment with your e-mail address for a chance to win. (U.S. residents only.)

I wish I had even a partial review to give you at this time, but I haven't read enough of the book to really share my thoughts. But here's a description of the book from the publisher's website:

"Through multiple, never-before-told stories, readers will uncover the personal challenges of the battlefield. In Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq & Afghanistan you’ll find the experiences and perspectives of deployed soldiers, chaplains, military wives and parents, organizers of humanitarian efforts, veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, loved ones of fallen soldiers, and more. You’ll meet:
  • The crew member on a Marine transport vessel combating a dust storm during the invasion
  • a major overcoming bureaucratic challenges to stand up the Iraq Air Force
  • a three-star general motivating his team to build a stronger Iraq through reconstruction projects
  • the mother of a Navy SEAL who herself demonstrated tremendous courage under fire after her son's death
  • and a congressman heralding the founding principles of our nation, ones he passed along to his son who served in Iraq
Readers will come away appreciating those who have lived loudly for liberty."

Click HERE to learn more about the book and the author.

So whether you're serving (or have served) in the military, you know someone who has, or even if you just want to learn more about the sacrifices of our military men and women and read some of their stories, enter today! And note that there are otherdevotionals in this "series" that cover the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War II, the Vietnam War, and even the police and firefighting forces, which you might be interested in checking out.

Note: The two winners will be chosen using the "List Randomizer" on the website, and they will be announced on Saturday, August 13th.


  1. Hi Amber!
    Thanks for inviting me to your blog, it's really pretty!

    This seems like such a unique book, I would love a chance to win a copy!

    Hope all is well with you :)

    EvaMariaHamilton at gmail dot com

  2. Eva,

    You're most welcome! Thank you for the sweet compliment. :) Feel free to come hang out here anytime!

    This series really is unique, and I think it's a great idea. :) Thanks for entering the drawing!

    I hope you're enjoying your summer! I only have a few more weeks left before I return to school, so I best make the most of my family time. :)


  3. This sounds like an awsome book, I think some times we as Americans forget what our military and their families go through to keep us free. I once heard a saying "those that wait also serve" and it is true. The spouses, parents, and childern of those serving have to find the strength to carry on at home as well.


  4. Thanks for the ongoing invitation Amber:)
    I am enjoying my summer, but can't believe it's already August! School will start again soon, so yes go make the most of your summer!!! How many more years of schooling do you have left?

    Carissa, that is so true!

  5. Carissa,

    Yes! Next month I'll actually be featuring an author who writes/compiles devotionals for military wives, noting that when their husbands are deployed, so are they, in a sense, as they have to face loneliness, worries, etc. Our military men and women AND their families sacrifice so much for us.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and entering the giveaway! :)


  6. Eva,

    Hahaha, no problem! :)

    And I know - time goes by so fast! This will be my senior year of college, so unless I end up going on to graduate school, I just have one more year left. Crazy!


  7. Amber,

    No need to enter me, but I was trying to catch up on some posts. I wanted to let you know how blessed I was by your Emma post in particular. I missed your wonderful devotionals.

  8. Julia,

    Well, you're welcome to enter if you'd like to! :)

    Thanks so much for dropping in! I'm so glad you were blessed by the Emma post. :)

    You're last post was a great reminder to me of the importance of devotional posts and posts that inspire community. I hope you won't think me too much of a copycat, but I've decided to make my next themed week, "A Week of Community," instead of just a plain old county fair week. :) I wanted to post about family and such, and I didn't know if I had that many ideas for another county fair week or even if I would make it to the county fair in time. So I just went with an overall community theme. I hope that's alright!

    And I'd love to have you stop by if you get a chance! I'm going to be running a judged contest, and you're welcome to enter a poem or picture or whatever you wish! (I'll be explaining the contest details next Sunday.) :)


  9. I enjoy reading devotionals for the variety of life experiences written in them. I'd love to win this book.

  10. Lgm52,

    Yes, many great devotionals allow us to share someone else's perspective and learn about some of their stories. :) Thank you for entering the drawing for this devotional!


  11. Amber, this devotional book sounds wonderful and I would love a chance to read it! My heart was so grieved to learn of that helicopter that went down taking the lives of those brave Navy SEALS and soldiers. The men and women in our military have been heavy on my mind and heart lately and praying for them more than usual. May God bless our military and bless America.

    Thank you for entering me, my friend, and may God bless you, too :)

  12. Amanda,

    Yes, I've been seeing articles about that on my e-mail news page - how devastating for all those who loved them. May God comfort the families and friends, and may the SEALS and soldiers be honored for paying the ultimate sacrifice for us all.

    Thank you for entering the drawing and reminding us to keep praying for our military men and women, and their families/loved ones. May the Lord bless you, as well!! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!