
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Winners and Other News

The last "Monday for the Military" post included a double giveaway of the military devotional Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. The two winners are:

Eva & Amanda

Congratulations, ladies! Be on the lookout for my e-mail!

Thank you again to the publisher for providing the books and to those of you who stopped by and/or entered the drawing!

And in other news...
  • If you're interested in seeing some of the upcoming "Monday for the Military" features, click HERE. We have some great guests, interviews, giveaways, and reviews lined up!
  • Tomorrow marks the beginning of "A Week of Community." There will be some community-themed posts, book reviews, and a really cool contest, so don't miss all the fun!
  • After that we have the End of Summer Bash!! Remember that if you take the button in the sidebar and post it on your blog, then leave a comment HERE, you'll have 2 extra entries in the drawing of your choice that week!

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