
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Christian Fiction Book Club Meets Here July 9th!


I am thrilled to tell you that I will be hosting next month's Christian Fiction Book Club meeting here at "Seasons of Humility!" I apologize for being so late in making this announcement, but I do hope you'll consider stopping by Saturday, July 9th and joining in on our discussion of Pompeii: City on Fire by T.L. Higley.

If you're never participated in one of these meetings before (and I confess that I'm not too familiar with them yet, either!), here's the scoop from Joy at Edgy Inspirational Romance:

Want to part

1. Secure a copy of the book club pick and read it before the discussion date.

2. Find the reading group guide in the back of the book or on the publisher's website. Choose one or more of the discussion questions to address in a blog post. You might also want to include a short review of the book. *Click HERE for a link to discussion questions for Pompeii on the author's website.*

3. Schedule your blog post to run on the discussion date. You may copy and use the book club logo above if you'd like.

4. On the discussion date, the host will run his/her review and answer a few discussion questions. The host will also include a MckLinky at the bottom so bloggers can link their posts.

5. On the discussion date, we all hop around reading and commenting on the reviews and opinions of participating bloggers.

6. If you do not have a blog of your own, you can share your opinions about the book club pick in the comment sections of other blogs.

7. Have you already read our book club picks? Great, participate anyway! You'll have a head start answering some of the questions!

Pompeii: City on Fire
is a powerful book. T.L. Higley's work is action-packed, complete with spiritual truths and some sweet romance. You won't want to miss her latest release! So grab a copy and join us here July 9th--we'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Excellent! I'll get this announced on my blog soon!

  2. Julie,

    Thank you! Again, I'm sorry I didn't announce this sooner, but I appreciate your help in spreading the word! :)


  3. Thanks for announcing Amber! I'm off to tweet this link. :)

  4. Joy,

    You're welcome! :) Thanks for letting me host the discussion next month! And thanks for tweeting. :)


  5. I am just now finding out about the Christian Fiction Book Club and I am very excited about it. I think I will wait until the next book before starting. I can't wait.

  6. Patricia,

    I had heard about the club before, but this is my first time participating. :) I think it's a neat idea, and I'm glad you're excited about it, too!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!