
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Join the Tyndale Summer Reading Program!

Are you someone who loves to read Christian books?

[Feel free to wave your arms wildly and shout a resounding "yes" if this applies to you!]

Well, have you heard about the Tyndale Summer Reading Program? Whether you've heard about it but you're not sure you should join, or whether this is news to you, let me share with you some cool facts:
  • The Tyndale Summer Reading Program is all about promoting Tyndale's latest Christian books (including fiction, non-fiction, and young adult reads). As many of my readers out there are fellow book bloggers, this might be right up your alley!
  • Here's what you do: You read five of the books from any of the three categories mentioned above (fiction, non-fiction, and YA) found on the lists on the program's website. (There's a good variety to choose from, in my opinion!) Then you write a review for each of the books and post it in three different places (options are listed).
  • And here's the incentive as described on the website:
"For every five books you read you'll earn a free book.

The top three point leaders at the end of the summer win $50 gift cards for books.

Everyone with at least one point will be entered to win a free e-reader.

Plus we'll introduce more great promotions throughout the summer!"
  • Even more good news! For all you bloggers out there who are already part of the Tyndale book blogger program, you can count the books you review already that are on the lists! So you can end up getting a free book by reviewing mostly free books! How cool is that?! Even the Tyndale book some of us reviewed recently for LitFuse Publicity--My Foolish Heart by Susan May Warren--counts!
So what are you waiting for? Join the program for free right now! Even if you only post one review, you'll still be entered for a free e-reader, so what's to lose?

And when they say they have more great promotions, they aren't kidding! Because I've already published two reviews, I was given the chance to get a free book now if I tell 10 people about the program. Cool, huh? So yes, I have added incentive to tell you about this program. ;) But really, I think it's a great idea, and I'm all for book contests/giveaways!

Click HERE to check out the website, and then let me know if you're joining me in this fun summer program!


  1. I signed up also to do this program. It was so generous of them and a great way to get more books to read! :O)

  2. i'm another - haven't posted a review, but now with your experience, guess i'll have to get off the screens & into the books! great promo~

  3. I signed up, and we'll see if I can read a bunch of books on their list. =]

  4. Diane,

    Good to hear it! :) I definitely agree that it's very generous of them--such a fun promotional idea! I'm all for free books. ;)


  5. Faith Hope Cherrytea,

    I know--I was surprised to read their e-mail and discover I had a chance to win a free book now just by sharing about the program! Can't beat that. :)

    Happy reading!


  6. Ninjasinger,

    Yay! Glad you signed up, and best wishes on your reading/reviewing! :)


  7. I had gotten that e-mail from them, and completely forgot until I saw this post. So, I signed up. I've already got two of the books for review, and two on my won shelf, so it shouldn't be too hard to find one more. :)

  8. Bluerose,

    Glad I could help remind you. ;) Sounds like this should be a piece of cake for you! :) I've reviewed two of them, have one to review soon, bought one, and was given one a long time ago. Oh, and now I'll have one more because of this contest in spreading the word. :)

    I'm glad it worked out so well for both of us!



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