
Monday, June 13, 2011

LitFuse Publicity Blog Tour: My Foolish Heart

Here's a description of the book:
"Unknown to her tiny town of Deep Haven, Isadora Presley spends her nights as Miss Foolish Heart, the star host of a syndicated talk radio show. Millions tune in to hear her advice on dating and falling in love, unaware that she’s never really done either. Issy’s ratings soar when it seems she’s falling in love on-air with a caller. A caller she doesn’t realize lives right next door.

Caleb Knight served a tour of duty in Iraq and paid a steep price. The last thing he wants is pity, so he hides his disability and moves to Deep Haven to land his dream job as the high school football coach. When his beautiful neighbor catches his eye, in a moment of desperation he seeks advice from My Foolish Heart, the show that airs before his favorite sports broadcast.

Before he knows it, Caleb finds himself drawn to the host—and more confused than ever. Is his perfect love the woman on the radio . . . or the one next door?"

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

My Foolish Heart is a winning combination of You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Susan May Warren's great characters and beautiful romance!

Like in the movie You've Got Mail, Isadora and Caleb find themselves falling in love online (and on the air) without realizing who exactly the other person is--and how different romance in action can be from romance through words. Also, like Tom Hanks, Caleb is the one who figures out who Miss Foolish Heart really is before Isadora figures out who Boy Next Door really is.

Instead of feuding book store owners, however, Isadora and Caleb are two people with conflicting fears. One is afraid to leave the safety of her house due to a horrible memory, and the other is afraid of dependency (especially on God) due to the debt he feels he owes for his very life. But the new NY152 and ShopGirl have a sweet romance all their own in this football-themed book that will have you cheering them on!

Isadora's radio show is also reminiscent of Sleepless in Seattle, but as I mentioned earlier Warren has created a unique story with two romances instead of one and enough authentic emotion to inspire you and leave you sighing with satisfaction. Add in a beautiful message about the amazing, incomprehensible love of God, and you've got a wonderful and moving read!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the LitFuse Publicity Blogging tour.*

About the Author:

"Susan May Warren is an award-winning, best-selling author of over twenty-five novels, many of which have won the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, the ACFW Book of the Year award, the Rita Award, and have been Christy finalists. After serving as a missionary for eight years in Russia, Susan returned home to a small town on Minnesota’s beautiful Lake Superior shore where she, her four children, and her husband are active in their local church.

Susan's larger than life characters and layered plots have won her acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. A seasoned women’s events and retreats speaker, she’s a popular writing teacher at conferences around the nation and the author of the beginning writer’s workbook: From the Inside-Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you!. She is also the founder of, a story-crafting service that helps authors discover their voice.

Susan makes her home in northern Minnesota, where she is busy cheering on her two sons in football, and her daughter in local theater productions (and desperately missing her college-age son!)

A full listing of her titles, reviews and awards can be found HERE."

To Buy the Book: click HERE

Blog Tour Schedule: Check out all of the other reviews scheduled by clicking HERE.


Susan May Warren is thrilled to announce the release of her latest Deep Haven book, My Foolish Heart!

Read what the reviewers are saying here.

To celebrate this charming novel about a dating expert who's never had a date, Susan has put together a romantic night on the town for one lucky couple. One grand prize winner will receive a Miss Foolish Heart prize package worth over $200!

The winner of the Romantic Night on the Town Prize Pack will receive:

* A $100 Visa Gift Card (For Dinner)

* A $100 Gift Certificate to a Hyatt/Marriott Hotel

* The entire Deep Haven series

To enter just click one of the icons below. But, hurry, the giveaway ends at noon on June 16th. The winner will be announced that evening during Susan’s Miss Foolish Heart Party on Facebook! Susan will be chatting with guests, hosting a book club chat about My Foolish Heart, testing your Deep Haven trivia skills, and giving away tons of great stuff! (Gift certificates, books, donuts, and more!) Don't miss the fun and BRING YOUR FRIENDS!

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter


  1. Sweet review, Amber. I loved this book! It was one of my favorites of the past year.

  2. (gasp) I see we actually got assigned the same day!! ;)

    I adored this book, too! You've Got Mail is one of my favorite movies and I didn't even make the connection.

  3. I LOVED LOVED LOVED this book. (And the review ain't bad either..nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) It'd read Warren's LI suspense but hadn't read any of her straight romance. After reading My Foolish Heart I'm on the hunt!!!!!! And blogger recognizes me! I was beginning to feel like a spectre.

  4. Renee Ann,

    Thank you! I loved this book, too--it was fabulous! :)


  5. Bluerose,

    Hahaha, crazy!! I wonder if we'll ever be moved up toward the beginning of a tour someday? ;)

    I love You've Got Mail (and this book!), as well! Those Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movies are wonderful, and even though it might be a bit of a stretch, I loved seeing the connections in this book to You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle. :)


  6. Kav,

    LOL! Agreed, and thank you for the compliment! ;)

    Glad Blogger recognized you! :) And have you read the two books in her "Brothers in Arms" series yet? That would be "Sons of Thunder" and "Nightingale." They're powerful WWII stories!!


  7. I wonder if we'll ever be moved up toward the beginning of a tour someday? ;)

    Maybe. :)

  8. Amy,

    Too funny! ;) I'm totally fine either way--it's just that Bluerose and I usually get a good chuckle out of the fact that we're always near the end of the tour, and she's almost always assigned to the day before me. But this time we were assigned to the same day! :)

    If you ever want to let us in on your scheduling methods, though, I would certainly be interested in hearing about it! ;)

    Anyway, thanks for setting up these great tours for us!


  9. I just ADORED this book, glad you liked it too! :)

  10. Ruth,

    For sure! Susan is a fabulous author, and I especially loved this book! :D



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